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KU Credit Union

Content: ****  Usability: XXXX
kucu.mobi (xhtml-mp)
KU Credit Union (kucu.mobi) which serves Kansas University students, staff and Faculty is part of 66 Federal Credit Union and has the same features and User Interface which lets users view account history and cleared checks, make loan and credit card payments, transfer funds between credit union accounts and to and from your accounts at other financial institution, view and pay bills. Public features (no login needed) include a branch locator and listing of current interest rates.
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Ratings Key :

Content - 0-5 *'s indicating the quality of the site's writing, depth, timeliness and accuracy.

Usability - 0-5 X's indicating the usability of the site on a mobile device, based on ease and intuitivness of navigation and lack of excessive scrolling through ads etc. to reach main content.