Content: Usability: (HTML5) (HTML5)
An English language i-Mode portal with dozens of links to English i-mode sites in Japan. Useful to English speaking visitors to Japan, Shinkansen has links to train and bus schedules, restaurant guides, entertainment calendar, a Starbucks locator language tools and more. i-Mode, because it is mostly a subset of HTML will display reasonably well in IE, Firefox and Opera as well as most WAP2 browsers. You won't see the emoji (small icons that are resident in i-Mode browsers), instead you will get a question mark, little box or nothing at all where the emoji should appear. The latter is a problem as most links in i-Mode are on just the emoji not the text following it. The only browser that I've seen that strips emoji completely - thus removing the links is the Access Netfront browser used on some Sprint Sanyo handsets. Fortunately, most English i-Mode sites make very limited use of emoji.