Sites related to all aspects of cellular phones and the cellular phone industry.

News - Reviews

(folder) 60 items
Mobile phone industry news and phone review sites


(folder) 28 items
Mobile Technology Sites devoted to the discusion of cellphone hardware, software, programming and networks.


(folder) 5 items
Sites that let you create online bookmarks which can then used from any browser anywhere and shared. These sites fall into two types.
  • Mobile equivalents of, sites where you can create your own personal directory or tag cloud of links. These sites usually default to links being public, viewable by anyone, although most let you mark some or all of your links as private.
  • Sites that use a voting mechanism. These are the mobile equivalent of Links on these sites are always public and users can vote for sites they like or against ones they dislike and can also leave comments.


(folder) 37 items
File sharing and free download sites.
What's This?

Opera Mini Bookmarklets

Content: ****  Usability: XXXX (HTML5)
A page of bookmarklets for Opera Mini.  See this post for details. The bookmarkets let you quickly perform actions related to the page you are viewing - such as post it to, search Technorati for references to it, view cookies, Google Info (backlinks, related pages, description).

Sites devoted to specific brands or OSs such as Nokia,  Symbian, Windows Mobile, Palm, Blackberry, Android or Maemo.

Free services for creating your own mobile site. Most use a simple menu driven site builder that lets you get your site up and running in an hour or less without programming.


(folder) 8 items
User forums. Discussions about phones, carriers and software. The forums are a lively community of knowledgable users. Get you questions answered and problems solved by posting to a forum. This folder contains general forums. Forums which specialize in a particular carrier such as Sprint or Nextel are listed under the the carrier's name.


(folder) 6 items

Mobile sites, forums and blogs devoted to a specific mobile operator like T-Mobile ot Sprint

What's This?
QR Code
It's a QR (Quick Response) Code containing the URL of WapReview Mobile. Snap it with your phone's QR Code reader to go to the WapReview mobile site.

Ratings Key :

Content - 0-5 *'s indicating the quality of the site's writing, depth, timeliness and accuracy.

Usability - 0-5 X's indicating the usability of the site on a mobile device, based on ease and intuitivness of navigation and lack of excessive scrolling through ads etc. to reach main content.