Financial News and Blogs, Stock Quotes, Online Trading and Mobile Banking.
Mobile Web Banking sites. Check you balance, transfer funds and find ATMs and babk branches.

Quotes & Trading

(folder) 18 items

These mobile Webapps make it easy to track you stock portfolio. Keep up to date with detailed stock quotes with opening and current price, change, percentage change, daily and 52 week high and low, P/E, EPS, Market Cap, dividend per share, yield and ex-dividend date.Or view charts, company profiles and company news.

Business News

(folder) 45 items

Business News Sites.

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Content: ****  Usability: XXXX (xhtml-mp)
LinkedIn finally has a mobile site! The mobile version of social network for business professionals is available in English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese and Chinese. It lets users build and manage their network of contacts, search the LinkedIn user base to find prospects, jobs and employees and send LinkedIn invites. Source: MocoNews, Via: WirelessDuniya
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Content: ****  Usability: XXXX (xhtml-mp)
A social network for businesses professionals, XING now has a mobile site. Similar to, the site allows registered users to make and maintain business contacts. Register on the web at Basic membership is free.
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Content: ****  Usability: XXXX (HTML5)

Stock quotes.Mobile site directory

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QR Code
It's a QR (Quick Response) Code containing the URL of WapReview Mobile. Snap it with your phone's QR Code reader to go to the WapReview mobile site.

Ratings Key :

Content - 0-5 *'s indicating the quality of the site's writing, depth, timeliness and accuracy.

Usability - 0-5 X's indicating the usability of the site on a mobile device, based on ease and intuitivness of navigation and lack of excessive scrolling through ads etc. to reach main content.