Found on the Mobile Web<\/em> is a weekly WAP Review<\/em> feature listing newly added and updated sites on the YesWAP.com<\/a> mobile portal and WapReview<\/a> mobile site directory. With these latest additions the directory and portal now list 2366 mobile sites.<\/p>\n
Travel-Transit\/Destination Guides<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n
Tampere 1918<\/em><\/strong> zones.zonear.com\/tampere1918<\/a> Interactive mobile guide to the new “<\/span>Tampere 1918<\/em>” exhibit at <\/span>Museum Centre Vapriikki<\/em> in Tampere, Finland . The exhibition covers the tragic Finnish Civil War of 1918 in which 40,000 people were killed in four months fighting between the Red and the White Guards.<\/p>\n
The HTML5 mobile guide includes an interactive floor plan of the exhibition space with audio narrative and historical photos. It was developed by a Finnish startup Zonear Ltd<\/a> and can be used with any touch screen mobile device with a modern browser.
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Tech\/Tech News Sites and Blogs<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n
Techcraver<\/em><\/strong> techcraver.com<\/a> Techcraver.com is Jason Harris’ blog covering mobile hardware, applications, platforms, software, web services, consumer electronics and other technology and how they affect people and society.<\/p>\n
Many Possibilities<\/strong><\/em> manypossibilities.mobstac.com<\/a> Steve Song’s lively and frequently updated blog covers telecoms in Africa, open source and the societal impact of telecomunications and the Web. The attractive mobile template is by MobStac<\/a>. Source<\/span>: Venture Capital for Africa<\/a>
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Web AddiCT(s);<\/em><\/strong> www.webaddict.co.za<\/a> Rafiq Philips and Miguel Dos Santos cover web technology, social media, business strategies, fair use, open source and the South African tech scene. The blog’s name is an acronym for Web<\/span> \u201c2.0\u2033, A<\/span>pplications, D<\/span>evelopments, D<\/span>esigns & I<\/span>nnovation in C<\/span>ape T<\/span>own. Source<\/span>: 30 Great African Tech Blogs<\/a>.
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Me Card<\/em><\/strong> www.servletsuite.com\/meshare\/<\/a> MECARD is new format for sharing contact information. A MECARD is a single line of text containing all of the meta data needed to populate an address book entry; name, address, telephone number, email address and URL.<\/p>\n
The Me Card<\/em> webapp from Coldtags Suite<\/a> saves the contact information you enter in HTML5 local storage and creates a QRCode containing your MECARD. It works with most mobile barcode scanners and operating systems. I used it successfully with Barcode Scanner on Android<\/a> and UpCode on a Nokia N8<\/a>
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Reference – Tools<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n
Baby Names<\/em><\/strong> www.babynames.ch\/Mobile<\/a> Find the perfect name for a your new baby. This mobile site has a lot of features. You can:<\/p>\n
Content: Usability:
Entertainment and Leisure\/Theater and Dance<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n
All World Dance<\/em><\/strong> www.dnce.mobi<\/a> Published by dance scholar, dance fan, former dancer and choreographer Clyde Smith,<\/span> All World Dance<\/em> provides daily news about the world of dance across genres from ballet to breakdancing.
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Social Networking\/Twitter<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n
xTweets<\/em><\/strong> xtweets.mobi<\/a> xTweets is a Twitter mobile directory for mobile webmasters \u00a0that was built with XtGem<\/a>. It fetches your latest tweets and displays them,\u00a0with a link to your mobile site,\u00a0in a timeline with tweets from other\u00a0xTweets\u00a0users. The service is free, all you need is a Twitter account.
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Tweet In<\/em><\/strong> insyt.mobi\/tweet\/<\/a> Full featured twitter web client optimised for mobile and touch devices by inSyt.mobi<\/a>. Tweet, reply, retweet, share, follow, follow back, unfollow, direct message, favorite, lists, twitpic, search, trends and more.
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Tech\/Mobile\/OS\/Brand Specific\/MeeGo<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n
MeeGo News<\/em><\/strong> meegonews.com<\/a> Dhruv Bhutani<\/a>‘s MeeGo News<\/span> is my favorite independent source for the latest news about the MeeGo OS. The site’s writers include Steve \u2018Chippy\u2019 Paine from CarryPad.com<\/a> and Christopher McFann from Symbian-Freak<\/a>.
\nContent: Usability:
Found on the Mobile Web is a weekly WAP Review feature listing newly added and updated sites on the YesWAP.com mobile portal and WapReview mobile site directory. With these latest additions the directory and portal now list 2366 mobile sites. Travel-Transit\/Destination Guides Tampere 1918 zones.zonear.com\/tampere1918 Interactive mobile guide to the new “Tampere 1918” exhibit at Museum Centre Vapriikki in Tampere, Finland . The exhibition covers the tragic Finnish Civil War of 1918 in which 40,000 people were killed in four … Continue reading