Thanks to Naiyer at<\/a> for recommending this pair of Indian financial and business news mobile sites. India is a very interesting area for global as well as Indian investors. The country’s GNP is growing at a rate of over 9% a year making it one of the fastest growing major economies in the world. These two mobile sites along with The Economic Times<\/a>, offer the best and most detailed information and analysis of Indian business trends and news on the mobile web. All three sites are listed in the Wap Review mobile site directory’s Business\/News folder<\/a>.<\/p>\n
Moneycontrol <\/em><\/strong>(<\/a>) is the mobile edition of India’s largest online financial portal. It provides information on Indian and world financial markets including general and company specific financial news, an IPO tracker and quotes for equities and mutual funds. The site also offers investment advice from CNBC India<\/em> anchor Udayan Mukherjee. Registered users can access their Moneycontrol portfolios and watch lists on the mobile site. To register you have to visit the Moneycontrol PC site at<\/a> though.<\/p>\n
Mobile Link<\/em>:<\/a><\/p>\n
Ratings:<\/em> Content: Usability:
Livemint<\/em><\/strong> (<\/a>) is the mobile edition of Mint<\/em>, a major Indian business print newspaper. Livemint has an extensive collection of financial and business news grouped into topic areas like Corporate News, Economy & Politics, Technology, Marketing & Media, International News, Careers<\/em> and Opinions<\/em>. A separate “Markets<\/em>” tab offers reports and prognostications from the New York and Indian stock exchanges as well as commodities and real estate investing news and quotes. It’s not all business at Livemint either, there’s a “Life” <\/em>section with features on diversions including Sports, Politics, Style and Travel.<\/p>\n
Mobile Link<\/em>:<\/a><\/p>\n
Ratings:<\/em> Content: Usability:
Thanks to Naiyer at for recommending this pair of Indian financial and business news mobile sites. India is a very interesting area for global as well as Indian investors. The country’s GNP is growing at a rate of over 9% a year making it one of the fastest growing major economies in the world. These two mobile sites along with The Economic Times, offer the best and most detailed information and analysis of Indian business trends and news on … Continue reading