A nice WAP2 guide for travelers. Wcities covers cities on all continents with listings of restaurants, lodging, bars, public transportation (bus, train, taxi) current weather and sights to see. Coverage of the United States is particularly extensive with 94 cities covered including relatively small places like Buffalo, Branson, MO and Sacramento. The listings of individual establishments are quite detailed with current prices and a brief description. The descriptions read more like something written the venue’s marketing person than an impartial review.<\/p>\n
Outside the US, coverage is not as complete, only 9 cities in France, 7 in China, 8 in Mexico and only four in South Africa which is the only nation covered in Africa. There is still a lot of detail for the covered cities, more than 80 budget Paris hotels are listed, for example.<\/p>\n
The sites usability is lessened because of rather slow load times.<\/p>\n
Content: Usability:
A nice WAP2 guide for travelers. Wcities covers cities on all continents with listings of restaurants, lodging, bars, public transportation (bus, train, taxi) current weather and sights to see. Coverage of the United States is particularly extensive with 94 cities covered including relatively small places like Buffalo, Branson, MO and Sacramento. The listings of individual establishments are quite detailed with current prices and a brief description. The descriptions read more like something written the venue’s marketing person than an impartial … Continue reading