I discovered something neat. Nextel and Boost customers can download the Gmail Java application over the air (OTA) for free. No data cable needed. There are two ways to get it. Using your PC go to nextelmedia.sprintpcs.com<\/a>. DON’T choose a phone yet! Gmail only works on MIDP 2 phones (the ones with 3 digits in the model name, i730, i855, etc.). There’s a bug in the site where if you choose a compatible phone, Gmail won’t be listed. You are OK if the screen says “No phone is selected…” in the top left. Next, search for gmail, click on the single result and enter you Nextel or Boost phone number. You will receive a Net Alert or WAP Push on your phone which when opened will launch the browser with instructions on how to use the Download Apps utility in your Java menu to download Gmail.<\/p>\n
I discovered something neat. Nextel and Boost customers can download the Gmail Java application over the air (OTA) for free. No data cable needed. There are two ways to get it. Using your PC go to nextelmedia.sprintpcs.com. DON’T choose a phone yet! Gmail only works on MIDP 2 phones (the ones with 3 digits in the model name, i730, i855, etc.). There’s a bug in the site where if you choose a compatible phone, Gmail won’t be listed. You are … Continue reading