Here’s another sign that the mobile web is going mainstream. I’ve seen a huge increase in the number of banks offering web based mobile banking recently. Banks are very conservative when it comes to rolling out new online services. Until recently, there were only a few banks offering any sort of mobile banking and many of those that did, like CitiBank, took the route of using downloadable applications.\u00a0 Bank of America was the first major US bank to offer mobile web based online banking.\u00a0 I’ve heard that CitiBank experienced low rates of adoption for their mobile app because it supports relatively few handsets and is\u00a0 too hard for users to download and that the bank considers their mobile banking implementation a failure compared with BofA’s.\u00a0 The trend seems to have changed.\u00a0 In the last month I’ve learned of 23 new mobile banking sites and no new applications<\/p>\n
I’ve added just added the 23\u00a0new mobile banking sites to the Wap Review directory’s Business\/Banking and Payments <\/a>folder. I discovered most of these on the Oh! Mobile Directory<\/a> and the\u00a0 forum where a couple of member’s; GijsZePa<\/a> and Pred<\/a> have been doing a fantastic job of finding new sites.<\/p>\n
US National Banks<\/strong><\/p>\n
Washington Mutual<\/em><\/strong> (<\/a>), which was recently aquired by JPMorgan Chase Bank still operates under it’s own name and URL.\u00a0 The mobile site lets users find branches and ATMs, view balances and transactions, transfer funds between their accounts and receive SMS account alerts.<\/p>\n
JPMorgan Chase Bank<\/strong><\/em>‘s mobile site\u00a0 (<\/a>) is more full featured than most. It lets users pay bills, transfer funds between eligible Chase accounts,\u00a0 wire money to or from non-Chase accounts in the US, display balance information. view transaction history, find ATMs and branches and view contact details and mobile banking FAQs.<\/p>\n
US Regional Banks<\/strong><\/p>\n
66 Federal Credit Union <\/strong>(<\/a>) serves 75 employee groups Lawrence Kansas and Springdale, Arkansas. The mobile site lets users view account history and cleared checks, make loan and credit card payments, transfer funds between credit union accounts and to and from your accounts at other financial institution, view and pay bills. Public features (no login needed) include a branch locator and listing of\u00a0 current interest rates.<\/p>\n
KU Credit Union<\/strong><\/em> (<\/a>) which serves Kansas University students, staff and Faculty is part of\u00a0 66 Federal Credit Union and has the same features and User Interface.<\/p>\n
66 Federal Credit Union\u00a0 also operates the ConocoPhillips Credit Union<\/strong><\/em> in Houston Texas with a mobile site at<\/a>.<\/p>\n
Prosperity Bank<\/strong><\/em> (<\/a>) operates 16 branches in Northeast Florida. The mobile site lets users access account information, transfer funds, pay bills,find branches and ATMs and “view check images on smartphones”.<\/p>\n
West Suburban Bank<\/strong><\/em> (<\/a>) operates in DuPage, Kane, Kendall and Will Counties, Illinois. The mobile site provides account balances, transaction history and fund transfers.<\/p>\n
Northwest Bank<\/em><\/strong> (<\/a>) operates 15 branches in Iowa and Nebraska.\u00a0 The mobile site ‘s features include view account balances, pay bills online, transfer funds and find bank and ATM locations.<\/p>\n
City Bank Texas<\/strong><\/em> is a big regional bank in the Lone star State.\u00a0 The bank’s mobile site at <\/a>offers the following services: display account balances, find ATMs by zip code or address, transfer funds. A feature I haven’t seen elsewhere is the ability to send yourself an SMS receipt of current mobile screen.<\/p>\n
Commerce Bank<\/strong><\/em> is another big regional with 360 branches in Missouri, Kansas, Illinois, Oklahoma and Colorado.\u00a0 The mobile site at<\/a> lets customers view account balances and account activity from the last seven days, transfer funds between accounts and make loan and credit card payments.<\/p>\n
Freedom Bank<\/strong><\/em> has just two locations\u00a0 in Fairfax and Vienna, Virginia.\u00a0 The bank’s mobile site at<\/a> doesn’t actually offer online mobile banking, however it does have addresses,\u00a0 current CD promotions and click to call numbers for branches and telephone banking.<\/p>\n
Midstates Bank<\/strong> operates in Council Bluffs, Avoca, Harlan, Missouri Valley and Mondamin, Iowa.\u00a0 The bank’s mobile site\u00a0 at<\/a> has account balances, recent transactions, online bill payment, fund transfer, rates, and an ATM\/branch locator.<\/p>\n
Rainier Pacific Bank<\/strong><\/em> operates 12 branches and 18 ATMs in Pierce and South King Counties in Washington state. The mobile site (<\/a>) is limited to a branch and ATM locator and click to call contact numbers.<\/p>\n
Easthampton Savings Bank<\/strong><\/em> has eight branches in\u00a0 Hampshire and Hampden counties, Massachusetts.\u00a0 The bank’s\u00a0 mobile site at<\/a> has an ATM and branch locator and click to call contact numbers.<\/p>\n
The First National Bank<\/strong><\/em> in Trinidad, Colorado’s mobile ATM\/Branch finder (\/mobi<\/a>) lists hours, addresses and click to call numbers. No online banking yet but the mobile site has a poll with one question on it; “Do you want mobile banking?”<\/p>\n
American Bank of Texas<\/strong><\/em> has 15 locations in Central Texas including Austin.\u00a0 The mobile site (<\/a>) offers balances, transaction history and funds transfer. There is a phone number for telebanking on the site’s homepage which is not click to call, unfortunately.<\/p>\n
Southern California’s Fullerton Community Bank<\/strong><\/em>‘s mobile site is\/mobile<\/a>. I’m not sure what the features are as I don’t have a login and\u00a0 there’s no promotional information on the banks full site.\u00a0 There is a list of locations (with links to Google mobile maps and driving directions) which does not require a login.<\/p>\n
South Africa’s Standard Bank<\/strong><\/em> has a\u00a0 mobile site (<\/a>)\u00a0 where customers can check balances, transfer money between accounts, buy prepaid airtime for Cell C, MTN, Vodacom and Virgin Mobile. There is also a branch locator and mortgage calculator.\u00a0 The branch locator has an option to use cell tower IDs to show the nearest branch without the user needing to key in their location.\u00a0 Cell ID based geolocation is currently only available to Vodacom customers, with MTN support coming soon.<\/p>\n
Australia’s Bank of Queensland<\/strong><\/em>‘s mobile site is at<\/a>.\u00a0 It features include account balances, viewing transactions, online bill payment, fund transfer, current interest rates, and an ATM and branches locator.<\/p>\n
Big Malaysian bank, Public Bank Berhad<\/strong><\/em>, which also operates in Hong Kong, Sri Lanka and Laos, has a mobile site at<\/a> that offers an extensive list of services including balance inquiry, transaction and payment history, fund transfer including transfers to 3rd party accounts and interbank transfers; bill, credit card and loan payments and stop check requests.<\/p>\n
Standard Chartered Bank<\/strong><\/em>, with branches in the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan and Singapore, has a mobile site at<\/a> that offers account balances, transaction history, fund transfers and online bill payment.<\/p>\n
Spain’s Banca March<\/strong><\/em> has a mobile banking site at\/bancamovil<\/a>. The site is available in Spanish, Catalan, English and German.\u00a0 I can’t tell what features it offers as the bank’s sites, both mobile and full-web,offer visitors nothing but a login page.<\/p>\n
Here’s another sign that the mobile web is going mainstream. I’ve seen a huge increase in the number of banks offering web based mobile banking recently. Banks are very conservative when it comes to rolling out new online services. Until recently, there were only a few banks offering any sort of mobile banking and many of those that did, like CitiBank, took the route of using downloadable applications.\u00a0 Bank of America was the first major US bank to offer mobile … Continue reading