{"id":2995,"date":"2009-02-17T13:53:40","date_gmt":"2009-02-17T21:53:40","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/wapreview.com\/?p=2995"},"modified":"2020-10-01T14:06:48","modified_gmt":"2020-10-01T21:06:48","slug":"mwc08-flash-lite-client-finally-free","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/wapreview.com\/2995\/","title":{"rendered":"MWC09: Flash Lite Client Finally Free!"},"content":{"rendered":"


Adobe seems to have dropped their brain-dead practice of charging for the Flash client for mobile phones.  I never understood why the far more capable desktop client was free but Adobe expected end-users and OEMs to pay for the mobile client.  In my opinion, if the mobile client had been free from the start Flash would be the dominant mobile application platform today instead of Java ME.<\/p>\n

At MWC, Adobe  launched  a new distributable player<\/a> solution that finally brings the free distribution model to mobile. It lets developers package Flash Lite apps in such a way that when users launch them they are prompted if they want to install the player.  If the user agrees, the player will download and install at no cost to the user.  This mirrors the way Flash works in PC browsers and should help to drive adoption.<\/p>\n

To showcase the distributable player solution, Adobe has created a mobile web site at m.adobe.com<\/a> with a few free games and apps built with distributable player solution.  The distributable player supports most S60 3rd edition and recent Windows Mobile phones but is only available in India, Italy, Spain, UK, and U.S.  I can understand supporting only a limited number of handsets but why the geographical restriction?  I’d expect that the apps would work anywhere, why limit them to five countries?  The mobile site didn’t detect my location or my N95 and asked me to choose one of the supported countries and pick my handset from a list.  Given that the site can’t detect my location, it might actually be possible to download these games from other countries.  If you try it and works from somewhere other than  India, Italy, Spain, UK, and or the U.S. please leave a comment letting us know.<\/p>\n

On my N95 in the US there were six apps available:<\/p>\n
