I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do with that, run home and turn on the TV to get the full report<\/strong>, I guess. Really Fox, this sort of “news” looks like something from the early days of WAP when phones had 3 line screens. CNN, Yahoo, MSNBC, Time, Newsweek<\/em>, the BBC <\/em>and hundreds of local newspapers have mobile sites with full length articles that millions of people read. MyFox <\/em>would do well to copy the mobile site of the Fox affiliate here in San Francisco, KTVU (review<\/a>), which features in-depth reporting and photos.<\/p>\n
MyFox <\/em>wap.myfoxlocal.com<\/a> xhtml-mp<\/p>\n
<\/small> Usability:
MyFox (wap.myfoxlocal.com) offers mobile news sites for 24 Fox TV network local affiliates. I’m a little disappointed by these sites. They are text-only and many of the news stories are just headline teasers. Here’s an example from the Los Angeles site, this is the whole “story”. “Music Producer Helping Foster Kids Through Music They’re L.A.’s toughest cases… Foster care kids since birth. Tony McEwing report on how a veteran music producer and former foster kid is stepping up to give … Continue reading