Social Bookmarking with popularity rating – what Digg does – but for mobile web sites is what TapTap, Mobilised and :bMarks are about. There’s a tremendous of interest in the mobile web right now with new mobile sites appearing daily. But discovery is a problem both for mobile users and publishers. There’s a need for a place were users can recommend sites and let the crowd vote to determine which ones are most worthy.<\/p>\n
TapTap<\/em> (\/<\/a>) is from AdMob. I linked to in Found on the Mobile Web #18<\/a>. It’s Digg-like in that visitors submit mobile sites and Tap <\/em>(Digg) the sites they like. TapTap can also be used as a portal, searching and browsing sites by category like Sports, Ringtones, News or Local. Registration is not required to submit or Tap sites however the submission process appears to be moderated. I submitted several days ago but it hasn’t shown up in TapTap yet.<\/p>\n
TapTap doesn’t supply a bookmarklet and I was unable to create one that worked – too bad.<\/p>\n
Rating: Content: Usability:
:bMarks<\/em> (\/<\/a>) is pretty much a pure Digg clone, the :bMarks equivalents of Digg <\/em>and Bury <\/em>are Bump <\/em>and Dump <\/em>and like Digg you can leave comments on listings. Sites are displayed by number of Bumps in the past 1, 7, 30 or 365 days and the results can be filtered to only show sites in specific categories. :bMarks users seem to post breaking news stories from mobile news sites quite a bit.<\/p>\n
:bMarks supplies an Opera Mini Bookmarket which can be downloaded from the site directly to your phone. Full instructions are provided. The bookmarklet not only passes the url and name of the current page but also the description meta tag, if the site has one, which is cool because it fills in the description field for the site on :bMarks. Unfortunately, the :bMarks bookmarket is too long to work in Opera Mini on some browsers including my Motorola 1855. That phone’s Java implementation limits text fields to 250 characters. I’ve edited the :bMarks bookmarklet by removing the description to make it small enough to work on my phone and others with similar limits. Both versions are posted on<\/a> ready for you to download into Opera Mini or Mobile IE.<\/p>\n
:bMarks: <\/em>\/<\/a><\/p>\n
Rating: Content: Usability:
Mobilised <\/em>(\/<\/a>) is the third new mobile bookmarking site. Mobilised works like :bMarks (or Dig), anyone can browse and search the directory but you need to be registered to submit sites, Vote <\/em>(the Digg equivalent), Bury<\/em> or comment. The site’s front page, labeled Published<\/em> lists only sites that have received votes, although strangely they aren’t in order of most votes. A link at the bottom of the page, marked Upcoming <\/em>leads to a much longer list of sites that have been submitted but have not received any votes. There are a few categories and you can filter the results to sites submitted in the last day, week or month. You can also search Mobilised and there’s a Tag Cloud<\/strong>. The cloud looks especially nice if your browser supports varying font sizes like the Opera Mini 4 Beta does.<\/p>\n
Mobilised: <\/em>\/<\/a><\/p>\n
Rating: Content: Usability:
Social Bookmarking with popularity rating – what Digg does – but for mobile web sites is what TapTap, Mobilised and :bMarks are about. There’s a tremendous of interest in the mobile web right now with new mobile sites appearing daily. But discovery is a problem both for mobile users and publishers. There’s a need for a place were users can recommend sites and let the crowd vote to determine which ones are most worthy. TapTap (\/) is from AdMob. I … Continue reading