A number of recent Found on the Mobile Web<\/em><\/a> posts have included local newspapers from Gannet<\/a>t<\/a>, the largest US publisher of daily papers. I’d heard that Gannett had plans to create a mobile site for every one of their newspapers and TV stations. They’ve reached that goal and have issued a press release<\/a> listing all 106 sites, including the URL of each site<\/strong>. It’s amazing how almost every press release announcing a new mobile site is doesn’t list the url! Even releases touting new PC websites often leave off the web address. That’s the single most important thing you want to propagate in promoting a web property. It’s like a “brick and mortar” store announcing their grand opening without giving the street address.<\/p>\n
These sites carry local news, sports, weather, event listings, photos and editorials. Most link to Gannett’s USA Today Mobile<\/a> for National and International News. Only 14 of these sites were in the Yeswap<\/a> portal and Wap Review<\/a> directory so I’ve been busy adding them. I’ve finished adding the papers in Alabama though Indiana. The rest should be finished later this week.<\/p>\n
A number of recent Found on the Mobile Web posts have included local newspapers from Gannett, the largest US publisher of daily papers. I’d heard that Gannett had plans to create a mobile site for every one of their newspapers and TV stations. They’ve reached that goal and have issued a press release listing all 106 sites, including the URL of each site. It’s amazing how almost every press release announcing a new mobile site is doesn’t list the url! … Continue reading