Google has upgraded the YouTube mobile web site (<\/a>) to include the entire catalog of millions of YouTube videos. There is also a new YouTube Java application (image) which duplicates the features on the mobile web site but with a slicker user interface. If you have one of the officially supported phones (Nokia 6110, 6120, E65, N73, N95 and Sony Ericsson k800 and w880) there is a link to download the application at the top of the mobile web page. According to a post on SMS Text News<\/a>, the application also works on other (unspecified) phones. If you want to try it, here are direct links to download a (signed<\/a>) and if that doesn’t work, (unsigned<\/a>) version.<\/p>\n
Google has a pretty good Help and FAQ page<\/a> for the new application covering most of the installation and use issues you might encounter. For example, I initially couldn’t hear any sound in videos played in the application although videos launched in Real Player from the mobile web site were audible. The FAQ told me I needed to enable “Warning Tones” in my current profile.<\/p>\n
Msearchgroove<\/em> has a great interview<\/a> with Nellymoser <\/strong>founder John Puterbaugh\u00a0 where he says:<\/p>\n
Google has upgraded the YouTube mobile web site ( to include the entire catalog of millions of YouTube videos. There is also a new YouTube Java application (image) which duplicates the features on the mobile web site but with a slicker user interface. If you have one of the officially supported phones (Nokia 6110, 6120, E65, N73, N95 and Sony Ericsson k800 and w880) there is a link to download the application at the top of the mobile web page. … Continue reading