I had a great time at yesterday’s N900 meetup in San Francisco.\u00a0 It was organized by N Series US<\/a>‘ Matt Bennet and TnkGrl Mobile<\/a>‘s TnkGrl and sponsored by Nokia who graciously picked up the bar tab and provided a couple of N900’s to play with. Matt posted some photos<\/a> of the meet up and Tnkgrl’s video coverage is on her blog<\/a>.<\/p>\n
Three members of Mozilla’s Fennec<\/a> team showed up to demonstrate the unreleased 5th Beta of Maemo on an N900.\u00a0 TnkGrl caught the\u00a0 demo on video<\/a>. I didn’t get any hands-on with Fennec but it seemed quick and responsive, unlike previous Fennec Beta’s I’ve tried on Windows Mobile phones. Fennec features an unusual UI paradigm where you slide a finger toward different edges of the screen to bring up various menus.<\/p>\n
I had a great time at yesterday’s N900 meetup in San Francisco.\u00a0 It was organized by N Series US‘ Matt Bennet and TnkGrl Mobile‘s TnkGrl and sponsored by Nokia who graciously picked up the bar tab and provided a couple of N900’s to play with. Matt posted some photos of the meet up and Tnkgrl’s video coverage is on her blog. The N900 is a fantastic device that really feels more like a computer than a phone.\u00a0 Mathew and Tnkgrl … Continue reading