While poking around on the Chinese language UCWEB site looking for release notes for UCWEB 7.\u00a0 I discovered an Android version of UCWEB7 Beta 1. I downloaded it to my Google Ion (aka HTC Mgic) and it seems to work pretty well.\u00a0 It’s rather basic, with only fit-to-width “Adaptive Mode”.\u00a0 I couldn’t find a way to zoom or vary the text size. But it is fast and supports tabs.<\/p>\n
The UI is in Chinese but uses icons to represent functions like Go To URL, Add Bookmark <\/em>and View Bookmarks<\/em> and I was able to get around pretty well. If you want to try it point your Android or desktop browser here<\/a>.<\/p>\n
While poking around on the Chinese language UCWEB site looking for release notes for UCWEB 7.\u00a0 I discovered an Android version of UCWEB7 Beta 1. I downloaded it to my Google Ion (aka HTC Mgic) and it seems to work pretty well.\u00a0 It’s rather basic, with only fit-to-width “Adaptive Mode”.\u00a0 I couldn’t find a way to zoom or vary the text size. But it is fast and supports tabs. The UI is in Chinese but uses icons to represent functions … Continue reading