Found on the Mobile Web<\/em> is a weekly WAP Review<\/em> feature listing newly added and updated sites on the YesWAP.com<\/a> mobile portal and WapReview<\/a> mobile site directory. With these latest additions the directory and portal now list 2087 mobile sites.<\/p>\n
Technology\/Internet\/Web Design & Development<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n
Web Resources Depot<\/em><\/strong> m.webresourcesdepot.com<\/a> Mobile friendly view of one of the top Web development sites. Web Resourses Depot<\/em> has tips and turorials on using PHP, CSS and JavaScript to create desktop and mobile sites. It also offers reviews and recommendations of development tools, frameworks and plugins. Mobile view by Mobify<\/a>.
\nContent: Usability:
That Web Guy<\/em><\/strong> m.thatwebguyblog.com<\/a> That Web Guy offers tips and tutorials on web design and development with an emphasis on CSS techniques. Source: Oh! Mobile Directory<\/a>
\nContent: Usability:
Universal Mobile Interface<\/em><\/strong> universalmobileinterface.wordpress.com<\/a> Martin Vendel’s blog where he tracks mobile web services and promotes his concept of a “Universal Mobile Interface” which combines a full web browser with contacts and messaging. Mobile edition auto-generated by WordPress.com<\/a>
\nContent: Usability:
HRH.mobi<\/em><\/strong> hrh.mobi<\/a> Well designed and nicely illustrated history of the British royal family from 1066 to today. Source: Mobility.mobi<\/a>
\nContent: Usability:
RecalledToys.mobi<\/em><\/strong> recalledtoys.mobi<\/a> A recent dotMobi Site of the Week pick, RecalledToys.mobi<\/em> is another site providing a mobile friendly front-end to the U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission’s database of product safety recalls. In spite of the name this one covers household and outdoor products and sports and recreation equipment in addition to toys. Source<\/em>: Oh! Mobile Directory<\/a>
\nContent: Usability:
TheSite.org<\/em><\/strong> www.thesite.mobi<\/a> Published by a British NGO, TheSite<\/em> is a guide to life for 16-24 year-olds, offering advice on sex, relationships, health, drink and drugs, the Law, money, work, study and Travel plus a searchable directory of local help and support agencies. Source<\/em>: dotMobi<\/a>
\nContent: Usability:
AgWired<\/em><\/strong> agwired.com<\/a> News blog targeting agricultural marketing & communications professionals and focusing on what\u2019s new in the world of agribusiness, Source<\/span>: Oh! Mobile Directory<\/a>
\nContent: Usability:
Precision Pays<\/em><\/strong> precisionpays.com<\/a> For agricultural professionals, this site covers “Precision Agriculture”, the practice of using scientific data to determine the best methods of planting, pesticide and fertilizer use and harvesting for a specific field. Source<\/em>: Oh! Mobile Directory<\/a>
\nContent: Usability:
World Dairy Diary<\/em><\/strong> <\/a>
\nwww.worlddairydiary.com<\/a> News blog targeting dairy producers with coverage of what’s new in their industry. Source<\/em> Oh! Mobile Directory<\/a>
\nContent: Usability:
24 Hour Fitness <\/em><\/strong> www.24hourfitness.com\/mobile\/<\/a> Big US gym chain’s mobile site includes a Club Locator, Body Mass Index Calculator, Calorie Calculators and a Resting Metabolic Rate Calculator. Source<\/em>: Oh! Mobile Directory<\/a>
\nContent: Usability:
Found on the Mobile Web is a weekly WAP Review feature listing newly added and updated sites on the YesWAP.com mobile portal and WapReview mobile site directory. With these latest additions the directory and portal now list 2087 mobile sites. Technology\/Internet\/Web Design & Development Web Resources Depot m.webresourcesdepot.com Mobile friendly view of one of the top Web development sites. Web Resourses Depot has tips and turorials on using PHP, CSS and JavaScript to create desktop and mobile sites. It also … Continue reading