Houston TV channel KRIV recently launched FoxRad.mobi. It’s a standalone mobile weather site that isn’t linked to the channel’s\u00a0 main mobile news (including weather) site at wap.myfoxhouston.com<\/a>. FoxRad provides very comprehensive weather information for Houston area residents with national, regional and local forecasts and radar maps.\u00a0 At the local level FoxRad.mobi provides a separate forecast page and radar map for each of the 18 counties making up metro Houston.\u00a0 It’s a great resource for anyone who needs detailed, timely weather information on the go.<\/p>\n
You can override FoxRad’s browser detection and get the iPhone version on any phone by going to media2.myfoxhouston.com\/foxradmobi\/iphone<\/a>. If one uses that unweildly and undocumented URL, all the features of the enhanced version work perfectly on an HTC Dream Android phone and with Opera Mobile 10 Beta 3 on a Nokia N95-3.\u00a0 The page also loads in the Nokia browser\u00a0on the N95-3 and with Opera Mini, but none of the links work in those two browsers thanks to a dependency on some non-portable JavaScript.<\/p>\n
The sad part about this is that there is nothing about FoxRad that couldn’t work with all mobile browsers.\u00a0 The site is really just your standard list of links pointing to various views of text and image content. It’s implemented using JavaScript to\u00a0 hide and displays objects on the screen, a technique that could have been made to work with any browser that has even a little JavaScript support. Slightly more work using progressive enhancement<\/a> techniques would have allowed the site\u00a0 to be usable even on the many mobile browsers that have no JavaScript support at all. FoxRad is a perfect example of what browser compatibility researcher and consultant Peter Paul Koch (PPK) calls\u00a0 “The iPhone Obsession”<\/a>,\u00a0 the belief that only Apple’s phone, which accounted for but 15% of smartphone and 3.2 percent of all phones sold last year, is worth developing for.<\/p>\n
I urge everyone involved in mobile development to read PPK’s piece<\/a> as well as venture capitalist Mark Suster’s\u00a0 “App is Crap (why Apple is bad for your health)<\/a>“. Limiting your mobile presence to the iPhone is bad business because\u00a0 your message will\u00a0 reach only a fraction of the market.\u00a0 For most services building cross platform web apps exploiting the growing power of the mobile browsers\u00a0 is far more effective. Sources<\/span>: Mobility.mobi<\/a>, OpenAttitude<\/a>.
Filed in:<\/em> Wap Review Directory – News\/US Local by State\/Pennsylvania – Vermont<\/a><\/p>\n
Ratings:<\/em> Content Usability
Ready.mobi Score: <\/em>2 “Bad”<\/a><\/p>\n
Mobile Link:<\/em> foxrad.mobi<\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"
Houston TV channel KRIV recently launched FoxRad.mobi. It’s a standalone mobile weather site that isn’t linked to the channel’s\u00a0 main mobile news (including weather) site at wap.myfoxhouston.com. FoxRad provides very comprehensive weather information for Houston area residents with national, regional and local forecasts and radar maps.\u00a0 At the local level FoxRad.mobi provides a separate forecast page and radar map for each of the 18 counties making up metro Houston.\u00a0 It’s a great resource for anyone who needs detailed, timely weather … Continue reading