Update 21-Aug-2008: <\/strong>This issue has been resolved. Orkut is working again for Opera Mini users.<\/p>\n
Google’s Orkut social network is hugely popular in India. In fact, India ranks second<\/a> in the number of Orkut members (after Brazil). And many Indians use the Opera Mini browser to visit Orkut. Of all nations, India ranks third in the number of Opera Mini users<\/a>, after Russia and Indonesia, and Orkut is the second most popular site (after Google) among Indian Opera Mini users.<\/p>\n
There’s a long history of Orkut and Opera Mini incompatibilities. Just two months ago, Orkut started forcing Mini users to a rather limited mobile version<\/a> of the site, a change that was very unpopular with users and was rolled back after about two weeks. Last November another Orkut change rendered Orkut scrapbooks unavailable to Opera Mini users, a gaffe that also took a couple of weeks to fix.<\/p>\n
Unhappy users are complaining on the support forums of both Opera<\/a> and Google<\/a>. No one identifying themselves as a Google representative has responded. Opera’s tireless forum moderator, Marianne Spilling, “ManneS” has posted on the Opera forum saying “We’re aware of it, but it’s not our fault… You should rather report back to Google, probably the Orkut team.”<\/p>\n
Update 21-Aug-2008: This issue has been resolved. Orkut is working again for Opera Mini users. Google’s Orkut social network is hugely popular in India. In fact, India ranks second in the number of Orkut members (after Brazil). And many Indians use the Opera Mini browser to visit Orkut. Of all nations, India ranks third in the number of Opera Mini users, after Russia and Indonesia, and Orkut is the second most popular site (after Google) among Indian Opera Mini users. … Continue reading