Called “A Foursquare for Beer Lovers<\/em>” by Mashable<\/a>, Untappd<\/em> is a location aware mobile web app where you check-in with a beer.<\/p>\n
Other users can see your check-ins in their timelines and in a public timeline that Untappd calls “The Bar<\/em>“. Check-ins, badges etc. can be shared on Twitter, Foursquare, Gowalla or Facebook. You can also make your check-ins private so that only your Untappd friends can see them.<\/p>\n
What sets Untappd apart from Foursquare, Gowalla etc. is that it’s also sort of a reviews and recommendations site for beers.\u00a0 When you check-in you’re required to name the beer you’re drinking and you can also give it a 1-5 “bottle” ranking.\u00a0 Beer names are clickable and lead to a page with some information about the beer along with its cumulative rating and recent user check-ins and comments on the brew.<\/p>\n
Untappd uses some HTML5 features and currently supports the Android, iOS, WebOS and BlackBerry OS6 browsers only. I tried a few unsupported browsers and found that it also seems to work in the bada browser but not with Opera Mobile 11 or Mini 6 or the pre-Anna Symbian^3 browser.<\/p>\n
Filed in:<\/em> Wap Review Directory – Entertainment and Leisure\/Life Style\/Beer, Wine & Spirits<\/a>
\nRatings:<\/em> Content Usability
\nMobile Link:<\/em><\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"
Called “A Foursquare for Beer Lovers” by Mashable, Untappd is a location aware mobile web app where you check-in with a beer. You can get badges for when and where you check-in and for each different beer you check-in with.\u00a0Users can add new beers including homebrews and keep a beer wishlist of brews they want to try. Untappd uses the Foursquare API for location support and works anywhere in the world where there’s beer. Other users can see your check-ins … Continue reading