Google I/O 2009 Wrapup

I’ve had a couple of days to absorb what I saw and learned at Google I/O.  Here’s my take on the conference, especially as it relates to mobile. First, it was the best run technical event I’ve ever attended.  Not only were the sessions very well presented and useful for anyone working with or interested in Google services, APIs and products but the event logistics were beautifully done. Someone sweated the little details like the indoor attended bicycle parking, short … Continue reading

Google Wave – Email Reinvented

The big announcement at I/O today was Google Wave, a personal communication and collaboration tool. Google obviously has great aspirations for this product. The entire 90 minute keynote was devoted to a demo of Wave by lead developer Lars Rasmussen and product manager Stephanie Hannon. Lars and his brother Jens are the brains behind Google Maps. Wave will be open source and is pure HTML5 and runs in the browser, including the browsers on the iPhone and Android. Lars described … Continue reading

Mobile is Big at the Google I/O Developer Conference

I just got back from the first day of Google I/O. What an exciting day for mobile web advocates like me. In the keynote CEO Eric Schmidt and Vice President of Developer Platforms Vic Gundotra said “mobile” so many times I lost count.  There were some significant announcements and Schmidt promises even bigger ones tomorrow.  From the keynote to the “After Hours” party, it was a long day.  I’ve only had time to write up a few highlights but will … Continue reading

I’m Going to Google I/O!

I’ll be at Google I/O in San Francisco tomorrow and Thursday.  Mostly I’ll be haunting the mobile sessions, although I want to take in a some of the App Engine and AJAX ones too. It looks like the mobile track is all Android, which is great.  With the slew of recent Android device announcements and project head Andy Rubin recently saying that Android is “revolutionary“, I’m hoping for some major Android news out of I/O this year. I also want … Continue reading

Google Voice – First Impressions

I upgraded  my GrandCentral account to Google Voice yesterday.  GrandCentral was the  “one number for life” startup that Google bought two years ago.  After the acquisition, Google seemingly neglected GrandCentral to the point that I expected it would soon follow Jaiku, Google Notes and Dodgeball into the graveyard of deceased Google experiments. I was wrong. Google seems to have spent those two years redesigning and upgrading GrandCentral to re-release it as Google Voice.  The new service retains all the features … Continue reading

Is Google Losing Their Edge in Mobile?

Google apparently killed three of their mobile products today.  Google Notebook, Jaiku and Dodgeball.  I really don’t get it. Less than a year ago CEO Eric Schmidt said that “…mobile will be a larger business than the PC-Web” and now he is killing mobile products! Of the three services, micro-blogging platform Jaiku had the most mind share with a fanatically loyal user base. The Finnish startup was acquired by Google in Oct 2007 with much fanfare.  Google stated at the … Continue reading

Google Streetview Comes to S60

This morning Google released an update to the native Symbian version of Google Maps for Windows Mobile and Symbian S60 3rd edition phones.  The big change is that the new version finally includes street view, a feature that has been available on the iPhone, Android and BlackBerries for what seems like forever.  Also new to S60 in this release are walking directions, user reviews of locations and business and the ability to recieve alerts from transit agencies.  Details at the … Continue reading

Google’s Mobile Tips

Google has put up a web site “Mobile Countdown to the New Year“, which posts a new mobile tip every day through January 1st. The site is available in a full web version ( and also as a mobile website at The tips demonstrate clever things that you can do with Google’s mobile services.  There have been six tips posted so far and all have involved Google’s mobile search, which is a good place to start.  Search on mobile … Continue reading