Facebook Full Site in Opera Mini Published January 30, 2012 at 248 × 328 in Updated: How to View the Full Version of Sites in Opera Mini and Other Mobile Browsers
Use facebook.com/home.php or http://www.facebook.com/home.php?m2w to load the full version in Opera Mini and most other mobile browsers.
Since 3 weeks ago now, i can’t activate facebook on opramini, and type of my phone is Nokia 6555, pis help me out.
“Activate”? Are you trying to create a new Facebook account? If so try using the phone’s browser, Opera Mini tends to have problems with Web forms.
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All use network
how will I download a full version Of Facebook in opera mini
Use facebook.com/home.php or http://www.facebook.com/home.php?m2w to load the full version in Opera Mini and most other mobile browsers.
Since 3 weeks ago now, i can’t activate facebook on opramini, and type of my phone is Nokia 6555, pis help me out.
“Activate”? Are you trying to create a new Facebook account? If so try using the phone’s browser, Opera Mini tends to have problems with Web forms.
how will i download the full version of facebook in opera mini.
Go to http://www.facebook.com/home.php?m2wfor the Facebook full version.
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