What's This?


Content: ****  Usability: XXXX
stackmobile.com/ (xhtml-mp)

A front-end to the StackExchange network of sites optimized for display on SmartPhones and web-enabled devices. StackExchange started with StackOverflow, a wiki-based user-driven help site for software developers that uses a system of voting and reputation to highlight the best answers for a question.

After StackOverflow became  a huge success with developers, StackExchange launched  specialized sites for numerous fields.  Current StackExchaange sites offer help for webmasters, game developers, general PC use, web apps, mathematics, personal finance, WordPress, role playing games, statistical analysis, video gaming, photography, home improvement, geographic information systems, Unix, Linux, Ubuntu, bicycle repair and more.

What's This?
QR Code
It's a QR (Quick Response) Code containing the URL of WapReview Mobile. Snap it with your phone's QR Code reader to go to the WapReview mobile site.

Ratings Key :

Content - 0-5 *'s indicating the quality of the site's writing, depth, timeliness and accuracy.

Usability - 0-5 X's indicating the usability of the site on a mobile device, based on ease and intuitivness of navigation and lack of excessive scrolling through ads etc. to reach main content.