Sites covering phones running WebOS or the legacy Palm OS
WebOS Nation (xhtml-mp)
Formerly called Pre Central, this site covers news and rumors about the Pre, Pre 2, Pre 3, Pixi, Veer and Touchpad devices and the recently open sourced WebOS platform. Also features a mobile friendly forum and homebrew apps gallery.
WebOS Internals (xhtml-mp)
WebOS Internals' Wiki is one of the leading independent resources for WebOS developers and the vibrant homebrew community. HP and Palm before them have been quite supportive of people who want to access Linux (aka root) and hack their Pres, Pixis, Veers and TouchPads. HP even donated a $10,000 server to WebOS Internals to better host the site.
The mobile version of WebOS Internals has selected content from of the full version of the Wiki.
Palm InfoCenter (HTML5)
Palm Addict (HTML5)
Palm news, opinions and reviews. Updated daily. Poor usability on mobile devices due to formating that requires horizontal scrolling even on PDA browsers like NetFront and the latest version of Palm's Blazer.
PalmOpenSource (HTML5)
PalmFreeware (xhtml-mp)
TapLand (HTML5)