Welcome to the WapReview Directory, a comprehensive catalog of the mobile web,
featuring reviews and ratings of 1980 mobile web sites.
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33 items
The latest World, National and local news from major web portals, newspapers and television networks. Includes news from major web news sources like the New York Times and MSNBC, meme trackers such as Memeorandum and Tailrank, international news sites from around the world and local news from over 100 US newspaper sites,

17 items
In this folder you will find mobile sites offering local and international weather forecasts, weather maps, radar and satellite images, marine forecasts, hurricane tracking, air quality and fire danger reports as well as almanac data like tide tables and sun and moon rise and set.

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WapReview's comprehensive directory of search sites on the mobile web. Includes web and mobile web search, email and phone number lookup including reverse directory searches, ATM finders, local search, driving directions and maps, live traffic conditions and even a toilet finder.

40 items
Whatever your favorite sport, chances are that you will be able to find the latest scores and results in this directory. Some of the sports covered are football, baseball, basketball, soccer, cycling, motorsports, snowboarding, surfing, skateboarding and cricket.

25 items
All things leisure and entertainment. Entertainment news, TV and movie listings and reviews. Online ticket sites, song lyrics. Pets, hobbies and both electronic and traditional games. Music industry news and gossip. Live events listings, humor and joke sites, mobile magazines, photo sharing sites, mobile video and eBooks.

6 items
Financial News and Blogs, Stock Quotes, Online Trading and Mobile Banking.

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Science and Technology news, internet tools, aerospace industry news. Everything about mobile phones including industry news, phone and software reviews, mobile web development tools, mobile downloads, mobile user forums and mobile social sites. Computer and network security, Operating Systems specific sites for Windows, Apple, Symbian, Palm and Linux users and developers.

40 items
Mobile social sharing web services where user can share their writing, photos and videos, chat with friemds, play network games and where visitors can contribute comments, chat and perhaps paticipate in polls.

9 items
RSS readers mobile blog platforms like Vox and Spaces. Feed driven news sites including Popurls and Original Signal. Post to your blog from a phone. Create a mobile site from an RSS feed.

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Communications and Productivity Tools. Read and send email with mobile web based clients from Yahoo, MSN, Google and others. Mobile Instant Messaging (MIM) applications extend the desktop IM experience to mobile. Send free SMS and do IRC chat from the from your phone using the mobile web. Mobile Personal Information Management. (PIM) services to manage your contacts, calendar and todo lists across multiple handsets and platforms. Document creation and management with mobile Google Docs.

32 items
Airline and Rail and Transit schedules. Transit trip planners and destination guides. Find a hotel, book a flight or car rental, get the best seats on your next flight. Flight tracking sites, tools for pilots. Travelers phrase books.

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Auctions, Price Comparison and Online Retailers. Coupons and hot deals. Ebay and Amazon's mobile web sites.

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Dictionaries, encyclopedia, language translators and medical information, trivia, currency conversion, calculators, wine vintages, html tag reference. Measurements conversion (Imperial and Metric, Celsius and Fahrenheit, etc.)

41 items
Portals and web directories designed to be viewed on mobile phones.

995 items
The mobile web dead pool. Sites that are down for good, no longer have a mobile or resposive version or are so broken as to be useless.
Warning: the desktop version of this page isn't paginated and is huge. Don't go there if you have a slow connection or an expensive metered one.