Free Mobilists’ Mobile RSS Reader

Russell Buckley from MobHappy together with FreeRange Comunications have created a special Carnival of the Mobilists Mobile RSS Reader. The reader is a free version of FreeRange’s FreeReader which costs $20/year. The Carnival Reader is preconfigured to keep you synced up with 15 of the bloggers who contribute regularly in the Carnival of the Mobilists. I’m pleased that this blog is one of 15. There’s more about the reader at the Mobilist’s Site. You can download the Java ME Reader … Continue reading

Is Opera Mini the Future of Mobile Browsing?

Does Opera Mini represent the future of mobile browsing? I don’t know for sure but I do believe it is the best mobile browser for most users right now. As most of you probably know, Opera Mini, or Mini for short, is a free Java ME application that can run on most current and many older phones. Mini is a small (100KB) application that implements a full html web browser that rivals and in many cases exceeds the performance of … Continue reading


I just got back from a week in Tokyo, paradise for mobile geeks. 3G seems to be taking Japan by storm. In wandering around the city, I saw many of the latest 3G handsets in use. One of the most popular seemed to be NEC’s Linux based N902i on the DoCoMo FOMA network. The selling point of this phone is the 2MP camera with image stabilization and auto focus, but the nicest part for me was the Netfront browser on … Continue reading

Opera Mini on Palm OS 3.5 and 4

Lately I’ve been playing around with my old Sony Clie SJ30 which runs Palm OS 4.1. I managed to tether it to an equally old Motorola i50sx iDEN mobile phone and soon I was browsing the web on the “big” 320×320 px screen during my commute on the train. That was pretty cool. I tried a bunch of different Palm browsers from the ancient (but free) text only Palmscape and Eudora Web to several commercial browsers, the best of which … Continue reading