James Cooper at mjelly has just posted the latest Carnival of the Mobilists. Illustrated with some nice Carnival photos, it features 21 great posts on mobile topics.
The recession seems to have gotten a lot of the mobilists thinking about business models, marketing and advertising as they relate to mobile. This Carnival is loaded with posts on these bread and butter topics. Not that it’s dominated by economic issues, there are plenty of pieces on other aspects of the mobile world including user experience, mobile learning, mobiles in health care and government, several posts examining the Palm Pre, a look at Windows Mobile’s future and a couple of very interesting in-depth essays by Ajit Jaokar and Tomi Ahonen.
Ajit looks at the risks inherent in supposedly anonymous data and discusses a solution that allows data holders to offer personalized services while protecting privacy.
Tomi’s piece ties together the history of Nokia as a mobile phone maker with the increasing convergence of so many different devices; telephone, alarm clock, calendar, browser, wrist watch, music player, FM radio and voice recorder into just one; the mobile phone. Fascinating reading and well deserving of Post of the Week honors.
Head on over to mjelly and read this great issue of the Carnival of the Mobilists.