9 thoughts on “Mobile Webmail Comparison

  1. Of course speed is an issue. However, do not forget functionality to really maximize your time, increase your productivity and maintain vital business (and personal) relationships. Things we looked for when we went down this road for two-way wireless synchronization included:
    – Inbox, Sent Items, Calendar, Contacts, Tasks & Notes
    – Access to email folders, files, contacts and calendar via Microsoft Outlook or any browser .
    – Attachment viewing: Excel, Word, PowerPoint, PDF, ZIP and image files.

    We ended up using 123together’s (http:www.123together.com) BlackBerry Enterprise Server. It is very fast as well.

  2. Strange, Java version works great on my Nokia 6282. One of the slickest, smoothest Java apps I’ve seen, and I’ve seen a lot : )

  3. Pingback: Golden Swamp » Carnival of the Mobilists #103

  4. Jamie,

    I tried Yahoo GO on Symbian phones (Nokia N95 and Motorola Z8) and it was very sluggish. I’d think the Java version would be worse. What phone are you using?


  5. AC,

    Thanks for the comment, Mail2Web is good especially if you have POP or IMAP access to a mail service that doesn’t have webmail or mobile webmail, I just wish it was a little faster.

    As for secure login, actually all the sites I covered have it.


  6. Great piece! You should really check out Yahoo! Go also, Yahoo’s Java client for mail (and lots more). I’ve found it to be a superior choice on the time/clicks front.

  7. Thanks for the rundown… May I humbly point out that Mail2Wap/PDA works great on the native S60 browser.

    They also sport a secure login feature, of some import if you’re connecting via a public WiFi network…

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