Found On The Mobile Web #205

Digg Lite

Found on the Mobile Web is a weekly WAP Review feature listing newly added and updated sites on the mobile portal and WapReview mobile site directory. With these latest additions the directory and portal now list 2160 mobile sites.

Science and Technology/Tech News/Digg

Digg Lite An open source “Touch Web” version of Digg, created by the Digg folks to demonstrate their API. No JavaScript dependencies but it’s not for feature phones due to front page size of over 200 kb and links to Dugg items that open non-mobile pages.
Content: **** Usability: XXX

Science and Technology/Mobile/MobileTech

Browser Info Gatherer

Browser Info Gatherer Mobile friendly display of your browser’s characteristics including request headers, screen size, color depth and cookie support. Has an option to download the report as a text file.
Content: **** Usability: XXXX


BookStorePrices Book price comparison site. Search by keyword or ISBN. Results include both new and used books and sorted by button line price (including shipping) from low price to high. “Buy Now” button links to bookstore sites, most of which are not mobile friendly.
Content: **** Usability: XXXX

Science and Technology/Mobile/News – Reviews

AORTA Mobile

AORTA The mobile edition of well known mobile industry analyst and consultant Chetan Sharma’s blog “Always On Real-Time Access“, which covers wireless industry news and Sharma’s insightful white papers and analyses.
Content: **** Usability: XXXX

Science and Technology/Internet/Web Design & Development

WebmasterRadio.FM Live and archived podcasts for webmasters and web developers. publishes several new podcasts daily covering topics like WordPress tips and tricks, SEO, affiliate marketing and advertising. There’s a dedicated channel covering the mobile web design and publishing too. Mobile view is by Mobify
Content: **** Usability: XXXX


Vcricket Mobile

Vcricket Complete international cricket coverage including the latest live scores, results, news, schedules and points tables. Source:
Content: **** Usability: XXXX

Entertainment/Mobile Video-Audio/Video

Mogg Mogg allows mobile users to upload, share, tag, and download videos from and to mobile phones. Downloading videos works fine but the streaming option, seems to be broken. Content includes lots of movie trailers
Content: **** Usability: XXX


SABC Mobile

SABC News The state owned Soth African Broadcastin Corporation’s mobile site offers national and world news and sports, technology, business, entertainment, science and politics coverage. Source:
Content: **** Usability: XXXX


myTrimet Ideal for commuters who take the same route every day, myTrimet is an alternate interface to the  real time arrival information of Portland Oregon’s TriMet bus and rail service, It monitors two stops, one in the morning and one in evening, switching automatically based on the time of day. Best on HVGA screens.
Content: **** Usability: XXXX

Transitly Transitly is a Touch Web (JavaScript required) interactive schedule for mass transit. Using cookies, It automatically saves your most used routes, and displays them on the front page. Covers Albany, NY; Austin; Chicago; Dallas; Denver; Houston; LA; Milwaukee; Portland, OR; San Diego; San Francisco and Washington D.C. Source: City-Go-Round
Content: **** Usability: XXX