Found on the Mobile Web is a weekly WAP Review feature listing newly added and updated sites on the mobile portal and WapReview mobile site directory. With these latest additions the directory and portal now list 2206 mobile sites.
SportsTap Touch optimized sports portal with live sports scores, news and stats for the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, College Football and Basketball, Motorsports, Soccer, Golf and Tennis. Adapts nicely to smaller screens and non-touch devices as long as they can handle pages as large as 175 KB.
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Future Perfect The blog of former Nokia Chief Scientist Jan Chipchase, who is now at Frog Design. At Nokia, Chipchase worked as a sort of tech anthropologist, exploring the different approaches cultures around the world take to tech and usability. His blog focuses on observations from his work, often illustrated with beautifully composed photographs.
Future Perfect is mobilized for the iPhone, Android, WebOS and Opera Mini using the WPTouch plugin. Curiously, Nokia browsers and legacy mobile devices get the desktop rather than the mobile edition.
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NPCWireless Forum User forum for customers of US prepaid MVNO, PagePlus. Discussions cover tops ranging from technical issues to refill discounts. The board also helps users connect with PagePlus dealers offering free activations, ESN changes and other services.
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DJUZZ A large (over 1000) collection of freeware, ad-supported and demo Java game downloads.
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Wapfrog Game developer Wapfrog offers seven free Java games for download from their site. All the games let you save your scores online and compete with other players for the highest scores.
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Business Insider The mobile edition of Business Insider, which incorporates sub-sites Silicon Alley Insider and Clusterstock. Business Insider reports and analyzes business, financial and tech news with a conservative political point of view.
There doesn’t seem to be a specific URL for the Business Insider’s mobile edition. It’s served to recognized mobile browsers visiting the main URL. The browser detection isn’t very accurate and many mobile devices, particularly low end ones, are served the desktop version.
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NS – Netherlands Travel planner and live departure times for the Dutch intercity rail system, Nederlandse Spoorwegen. Trip listings show transfers, intermediate stops and list departure and interchange platform numbers.
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Tech/Internet/Web Design & Development
ARE YOU design hosts New Jersey based web designer/developer Sai-Kit Hui’s personal blog “Are You Insane”. Hui writes and rants, in a wry, often humorous, style about design, sports, video games, politics and life. Mobile View by Mobify
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Leisure/Mobile Video-Audio/Audio
Tube2Mp3 An interesting approach to free mobile music. Tube2Mp3 lets you search YouTube for videos and convert the audio portion into a downloadable mp3. The only downside is that it takes several minutes to convert a file. While converting the screen auto refreshes periodically to avoid a browser timeout. Source:
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ASPCA Visit the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals’ official mobile website to learn how to fight animal cruelty, read expert pet care advice, and view dogs and cats available for adoption. Source:
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Hi, YesWAP is really an useful compilation. I have found many useful tools from this.
tube2mp3 is good. But, once try it’s really great. You can can directly search and download youtube videos in 3gp. Also, audio only download feature is also there. More over works flawlessly on Opera mini.