Slashdot’s Mobile Webapp

New Site Added to the Wap Review Mobile Directory

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Rating:Content ****_ Usability XXX__
Doctype: HTML
Home Page Weight: 333 KB
Category: Tech News


Slashdot, the venerable (founded 1997) user powered tech and politics news site, which was recently acquired by, has a new mobile webapp.

Slashdot stories, as well as polls, questions and book reviews, are submitted by users. Other users can vote stories up and down and leave and rate comments. Randomly selected user moderators label stories and comments as interesting, informative, off-topic, flamebait, etc. Stories are primarily assigned to the front page by Slashdot editors rather algorithmically.

The latest mobile version of Slashdot has Stories, Polls and Firehose tabs but no UI for accessing Slashdot’s tags or categories. If you don’t like the mobile webapp, there’s a link to the desktop version in the mobile page footer.

Slashdot Mobile is optimized for iOS and Android browsers. It also works well in the Firefox and Opera Mobile browser but not in Opera Mini, where only a blank page is displayed. There’s a legacy text-only mobile version at that works in all browsers.


Slashdot Frontpage Slashdot Story Page