This is the fifth in a series of Opera Mini Tips and Tricks posts. This one covers the situation where you get an error trying to download Opera Mini. The Opera developers have gone to a lot of trouble to make Mini a generic Java ME application that will work on as many phones as possible. Most of the time installing Opera Mini is simply a matter of visiting with your phone’s built-in browser, clicking the download link and following the prompts. Unfortunately, with some phones and/or mobile operators it doesn’t work and you will get an error. Occasionally the problem is that Opera Mini is simply not compatible with the handset but often their are workarounds.
So you got an error downloading what can you do?
First try again, there may be temporary network or server issues that are preventing the download from completing. If retrying didn’t work, what’s the error?
- If it’s “media not supported” “Forbidden”, “Content not Supported”, “This file cannot be viewed on the device”
- Are you using an iDEN phone (Motorola i465, i680, etc.)? These phones do not support over the air downloads. If you are in the US and your phone is on Nextel or Boost Mobile, use to send Opera Mini directly to your phone. SouthernLINC, Telus Mike and non-US iDEN operators customers can use a cable and the iDEN JAL loader to transfer Opera Mini to their phone.
- The error is “Missing IBM Java VM Please ensure that IBM’s WebSphere Micro Environment Java VM is installed.” This error occurs on Palm OS devices if you haven’t installed the Java JVM. To fix, download the JVM from (mirror). The download is zip file. Extract it on your PC and HotSync J9JavaVMMidp20.prc, j9pref.prc, JavaVMCheck_enEN.prc, fileconnect.prc, pimop.prc and PIMPrefs.prc to your Palm, then download the Opera Mini .prc file from and HotSync it. Before launching Opera Mini for the first time go to Prefs on the Palm, scroll down to Other, choose IBM Java VMand set the following:
- Memory Maximum: 4-32 MB (32MB seems to work for most models but if you get crashes try lowering it).
- Maximum Java Thread Stack Size: 32 Kb.
- Check “Use Double Buffering”
- On Hi-Res devices (All Palm OS 5 devices except the Treo 600), check ‘Use high resolution coordinates‘.
- If the download succeeded but you get “Failed to connect…” when you run Opera Mini see, Solving Opera Mini Connection Problems.
- “901” or “Insufficient Memory” – try removing your phone’s battery for a minute or two then replacing it and restarting for a clean boot. It you still get the error try a lower memory version of Opera Mini. Both 3.1 versions use less memory than 4.2 with the 3.1 low memory version using the least.
- “905″, “attributes mismatch“, “908” or “Incompatible Configuration or Profile” – Usually means that your are trying to install a MIDP2 version on a phone that only supports MIDP1. This won’t happen if you are downloading from and you phone model is detected. If Opera doesn’t detect your phone, You can find the MIDP1 (labeled as “basic”) versions at
- “904”, “JAR size mismatch”, “905″, “Attribute mismatch“, “Content size mismatch”, “906” and “Invalid Descriptor Attribute Format” all indicate that the phone thinks there is something wrong with the Java Application Description (JAD) file. This error is rare with Opera Mini but often occurs when installing applications from other vendors whose developers are sloppy. It also occurs with some Sprint LG phones that have a bug which prevents them from recognizing certain valid JAD constructs. The workaround in all cases is to use a third party OTA installer which recreates the JAD file in a generic format. Rumkin works well with US carriers especially Sprint.
- “903″ , “network timeout“, “907″ or “server error” – These errors indicate network problems which are often temporary. Try again later
- “909″, “Application Authentication failure” , “910″ or “Application authorization failure” – Your phone doesn’t like Opera Mini’s certificate. If you are on Sprint or are using a BlackBerry you must use the unsigned versions, otherwise try the other signed versions first with the unsigned as a last resort. For a description of the various Opera Mini versions and where to find them see the “How do you install Opera Mini?” section in the first Opera Mini Tips and Tricks post.
Good luck and share your successes and any Opera Mini tricks you have discovered by leaving a comment.
why i cant download opera mini with my sony ericson z600?
Download it from with your phone’s built in browser.
i already downloaded opera mini 3
but still i cant connect
is there a problem with my setting?
Either that or you don’t have data enabled on your account.
Please help me with this!! i have a palm treo 600. i have installed the java enviroment and downloaded opera mini but it doesn’t finish the installation.. why could this be happening? and is there any solution?
You need to use Opera Mini 4.2 with Palms, 5.0 doesn’t work.
I can’t download opera mini on my Nokia 6280
My samsung s7350 gives certificate error when i try to download opera mini 5. i have downloaded it before, it worked fine but then i deleted it. And now i can’t download it again because of this error. Can you help?
Download the version with a different crtificate or no certificate. See: How to Download Opera Mini Signed Versions
please i need a help on how to down load opera mini 4.2 on my satio,i am using an mtn line and i already have the set up on my phone only to install it so that i can start using it and it keep saying failed to connection to the internet or go to operamini for help or contact your service provider for internet settings
See here: Solving Opera Mini Connection Problems
hi! I m using nokia 6300. I had recently instald 0pera Mini n i can access and browse it well. But when i decided to download files an error occured about application access set not to allow. I tried solving it but couldnt. So can u help me solve this problem?
Use the one of the signed versions of Opera Mini and set write and read user data permissions to “always allow”, “ask once” or “always ask”. See: How to Download Opera Mini Signed Versions for more information.
i have a samsunng mess 2 r560 from cricket and cant download a flash player or java why not or how do i do it cant watch utube or anything
Like most Cricket phones, the R560 uses BREW instead of Java as it’s application runtime. BREW is a closed locked down environment that doesn’t allow user to install games and apps except by buying them from your operator, Cricket. It’s not possible to add Java support to the R560.
Flash doesn’t work on most cell phones including the R560 and can not be added.
For YouTube, try using the mobile version at which has mobile formatted (3gp not Flash) videos.
is there anyone could help me? I can’t download anything using opera mini always said downloading failed..
For u to know,i’m using nokia N70 and no certificate when installing OM5..
Thanks before..
Use a signed version and set read user data and write user data to allowed on the Symbian App Manager.
I have a nokia 3100 but it can’t download operamini all version.its say ‘invalid application’.
Plz help me,i am trying 4 long time.
The Nokia 3100 only supports Opera Mini 3, low-memory, or basic version. Try downloading Opera Mini 3.1.2 from using the phone browser . If you still get the error, download the .jar file to a PC from and install it with Nokia PC Suite.
hey ! m using nokia7210 supernova .
inmy cell any opera dsnt work.
I am using 4.2. .my friend has a n0kia ph0ne als0 and using 4.2 he can d0wnl0ad. .but me i cant d0wnl0d even images
My phone is nokia 5220. .and i cant downlod anything it says ‘out of mem0ry’ enlighten me pls
If you using Opera Mini 5 try 4.2, it need s less memory or download with the Nokia browser or UCWEB.
There are no signed versions of Opera Mini for the BlackBerry.
If you are getting access denied type messages or unwanted prompts to allow Opera Mini to connect to the network AND you are not an Enterprise user (BES):
Go to Options, Advanced Options, Applications, highlight Opera Mini
Press the Menu key, Select Edit Permissions, Press Menu again and Select Reset Firewall Prompts
Set Connection, Interactions and User Data to “Allow”
Press Menu and select “Save.”
Power cycle the BlackBerry
Hello to anyone and everyone who can help me…..
I still can’t find the signed version of Opera Mini. I have searched on their website, etc.
If anyone can help, that would be great.
Info: I’m installing Opera Mini on my BB 8830 because I’m using it with PagePlus and not able to use the BB browser.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Hey bro..
Listen.. My network operator just connects my gprs on opera mini 4.1 & not even on 4.2, and for downloading content i need opera mini 4.1 signed version and i JUST NEED 4.1 .
If u can please help me to get OPERA MINI 4.1 ” SIGNED VERSION ” . Remember, not even 4.2,
or is there any option to download content from unsigned version(4.1)?
I’m not familiar with the r560 so I can’t give you any specific instructions but generally speaking:
If a basic feature phone (not a smartphone) like the r560 doesn’t have Java embedded in the firmware there is no way that you can install it.
If it does have Java it’s probably possible to install games and apps. With most Java phones clicking a link to a .jar or .jad file in the browser is all that’s required to install. If this doesn’t work the phone most likely doesn’t have Java.
But some phones with Java are more locked down and extra steps like entering a special code to enable the ability to install apps or using a cable and specialized software are required. As I said I don’t know anything about this phone so I can’t tell you if this is possible or how to do it.
You would be better off asking your question on a Cricket or Samsung specialized phone users forum like the ones at – or
how do i instsll or program java into my into my samsung sch-r560 for cricket wireless?
i have a nokia 6275i from cricket and it lets me download oprea mini fine but the samsung messenger 2 will start to download then stop? what does it mean? thanks 4 help!!
java games are embedded therefore does support java? but is there anyway around this like maneul programmingor is there a way to install from pc by usb??
Does the Samsung Messenger 2 have Java? Most Cricket phones don’t and therefore can’t rum Opera Mini
i have the samsung messenger 2 by cricket wireless and i am unable to download opera mini everytime i click on the link it just stops and sticks on the sam page??? help please???
So that means I have to buy Java from metro pcs apps.Am I right?
And please tell me how to connect to my pc with my phone.
Thanks alot………
John, I don’t think you can download a Java runtime for your phone from Metro Apps, or anywhere else. You are limited to the BREW apps and games on Metro Apps. That’s the one of the big selling points to operators for BREW, the poor user is locked into buying content only from the operator portal.
Thanks again Dennis,
So as you said,I have to pay for Java App from Metro Apps,is that right?
How much is it gonna be do you think?
And is there any different version of Java?
Can I just buy any version or not?
And how can I download and install to my phone?
I can’t connect to my PC from my phone.
I have a cable that came with the phone,but to be honest I can’t even connect it.
Please help me.
Thank you so much.
John, if the phone doesn’t have Java there is no way to download it.
Most phones on Verizon, Metro, Cricket and US Cellular have BREW as their application environment. BREW is designed to force you to only get games and apps from your operator’s catalog for $$$. So unless Get It Now (Verizon app store) or your operator’s equivalent has a browser available you are out of luck.
Thankyou Dennis,
Is there anyway to get Java on my phone?
Or is there any other browser that I can install on my phone better than WAP(I mean I wanna watch youtube videos).
Kudos to you! I’ve seen the error of my ways…!
I had unzipped the .cod and .alx files and moved them into their respective loader and java files, skipping the all important DM apploader operation. I expected the DM to load the program when it realized new files were in its inventory. Wrong! Thanks for providing the right answer…
The browser’s emulation mode has to be set to “BlackBerry” to download from Go to Options and then Browser Configuration. Scroll down and select Emulation Mode and set it to BlackBerry. If you still don’t see the link refresh the page.
To install using Desktop Manager:
1. Unzip the .alx and .cod into any directory provided they are both in the same directory.
2. Connect your phone to the PC.
3. Open Desktop Manager, Click “Application Loader” then “Add Remove Applications”, then “Browse” and navigate to the folder where you put the .alx and .cod, highlight the .alx and choose “Open”
4. When the main Application Loader screen returns, click “Finish” and wait while until the Desktop Manager says, “The loading operation was successful.” (It can take up to 10 minutes!)
Opera Mini’s download screen (on hand held) recognizes my 8900 and says to “click on the link below”. Fine, but there is no link below. Tried putting the .alx and .cod files in BB OS loader files stream but the desktop manager doesn’t act on them! Either BlackBerry or Opera doesn’t want me to use 4.2…
vineeth, Try the other signed versions. If all three signed versions fail use the un-signed one.
Rajesh, What file? Installing over the air or with Desktop Manager?
i tried to download operamini 4.2 but it says invalid certificate. wat to do
why my blackbeery 8100 is not been able install the file.
its says unable to read the file.
John, It sounds like the phone doesn’t support Java. Most Verizon, US Cellular, MetroPCS and Cricket phones don’t. Without a Java runtime in the phone’s firmware you will never be ablre to run Opera Mini
I just had a new phone (samsung messenger 2 sch-r560)
and I tried opera mini both 5 and 4,even 3.But it didn’t work out.
Everytime I download,I have a lot of words coming out.
MIDlet-1:Opera Mini,/i.png,Browser
MIDlet-Description:Opera Mini
Bouky, There is no official Opera Mini 4.3. There’s a 4.3 on the web that is a hacked version with has some issues. I don’t use it. Try downloading the real thing, Opera Mini 4.2 or the 5.0 Beta from
Je n’arrive pas à télécharger une de vos version OperaMini 4.3 je ne comprend pas époustant mes camarades en ont sur leur ou vous êtes incapable de donner cette version dite Opera Mini 4.3
Sanachi, Downloading files is one of Opera Mini’s weak points. It usually works for me but I see “error fetching file” occasionally too, especially with large files or a poor connection. If it keeps failing there is really nothing you can do other than using a different browser. The phone’s built browser should work or you could try UCWEB.
My opera mini can’t download a thing. I want to download wallpapers from but there is always an error saying ”error fetching file”. Please help me email me at
my cellphone unit is 6300i nokia, i have a opera mini version 4.2 and i have also a connection problem sometimes…
josei, Most operators do charge for mobile web. What kind of pesos? If it’s Mexican that’s pretty expensive 5 MXN = 0.39 USD. Ask you operator if they have a cheaper data bundle.
i mean 5 pesos per 15 minute..
i finally installed opera mini.. sad thing is, its charging me 5 pesos per minute is that nothing but natural?
whenever i try downloading opera mini 3 on my nokia 3100 handset it always says “connection lost. try again” even though other sites are opening fine. please help me on this urgently. thank you
The signed versions are definitely available worldwide.
To download them you MUST your phone’s built in browser not a PC. Just visit
Opera tries to guide you to the version that is most likely to work well on your phone. If it is defaulting to an unsigned version of 4.2, scroll down and click the link that says “If this version fails to install or you would like to install a previous version, please click here.” This will bring up a screen offering the signed 4.2 versions.
If Opera is recomending the old 3.1.2 version click the link labeled “Try Opera Mini 4”.
i only recently got a data plan for my mobile. ive been playing around with some web browsers and i like opera mini alot. ive tried looking for a signed version of it but it seems i cant because im Australian, its offered to usa tho :S so if any one could find a signed version available then it would be very appreciated.
regards, mitchell phone is a ks360 web slider if that helps. its unlocked
The only way to get the signed version is to use your phone’s built in browser and visit
so where and how can we download the signed version of the browser? it’s not even on the opera mini website.
Firtst turn off caps lock. No one wants to help someone go is shouting :) Does your phone support Java? If it does go to with the phone’s browser, click the download link and tell us what happens.
Hw can i use my Mtn line with my phone Blackerry Pearl 8100 to browse freely with Opera-mini. What kind of version will I have to download and how to run the Installation and the settings.
4. In most cases you must be using the signed version of Opera, otherwise #3 is not even an option.
In order for Opera Mini to be able to download and save files three requirements must be met.
1. Only Opera Mini 4.1 or latter supports downloading.
2. You phone must support the file connection API of JSR 75.
3. You phone’s security settings must be set to allow Opera Mini read and write access to the file system.
Why i can’t download using opera mini?