Photo: Richard L. Bliss
This week’s Carnival of the Mobilists is very special. For the last Carnival of 2005, Russell Buckley at
MobHappy has asked everyone writing on mobile telephony to nominate their best item of the year. And did he ever get some great stuff. The list of authors reads like a Who’s Who of the blogosphere; Russell, Howard Rheingold, Mike Masnick, Om Malik, Emily at textually.org and Carlo Longino to mention a few. Visit the
Carnival here.This is the last Carnival for a little while. After a Holiday break the Carnival will return on January 20 at
The Golden SwampIf you missed any of the previous Carnivals, you can find them at:
Carnival 1 at MobHappy
Carnival 2 at The Mobile Technology Weblog
Carnival 3 at m-trends
Carnival 4 at Open Gardens
Carnival 5 at Mobile Marketing & SPAM
Carnival 6 atThe Pondering Primate
Carnival 7 at Smart Mobs
Carnival 8 at Wap Review
Carnival 9 at Mobile Jones
Carnival 10 at Mobility W e b l o g
To learn more about the Carnival, including how you can participate, just click the red Carnival of the Mobilists button in the sidebar.