A Busy Mobile Week Ahead in San Francisco

Mobilize Logo

Mobile folks seemed to have figured out that San Francisco’s nicest weather is in late fall . At least that’s when most of the major mobile events seem to occur there. First came Mobile 2.0 and tomorrow marks the start over a week of mobile madness here in SF.

Tomorrow I’ll be at GigaOm’s Mobilize. It was a great event last year and this year with its “The Future of the Mobile Web” theme and impressive line up of speakers and panelists should be even better.


Next week is the big CTIA Enterprise and Entertainment industry trade show, a four day extravaganza of presentations, meetings, product announcements, booth hoping and of course, the parties.

Tuesday, the first day of CTIA, I’ll be at the Nokia Developer Day event where I hope to learn more about Qt, WRT, Symbian^3, the latest Nokia WebKit browser and maybe get some hands on time with the N8.

On Wednesday I’ll be moderating the “iPad Media and Entertainment” panel that’s part of an all day “iPad and Tablet Publishing and Entertainment Apps” track organized by Ajit Jaokar of Futuretext.

Thursday, Samsung has promised an announcement of some sort at 10:30 AM which I’ll be covering here on WapReview.

If you’re in San Francisco, for Mobilize or CTIA and want to meet up for a chat over coffee or a drink you can  reach me through the contact link at the top (bottom on the mobile version) of this page or with a DM or @reply on Twitter where I’m @yeswap.