Carnival Of the Mobilists #136

This week’s Carnival is at Matt Radford’s All About This edition includes posts on MIDs, mobile UX, NFC, the iPhone, the smartphone landscape, mobile web sites, the Olympics, gender differences in handset choice and more. Reading the Carnival every week is a great way to keep up with the latest trends in mobile with a minimum investment of your time. Congratulataions to Ajit Jaokar, whose piece “The Asus Effect” won Post of the Week honors. Visit the Carnival Of … Continue reading

Put Your Mobile Site On Phone Menus

I met Bill Scott,‘s VP of sales and business development, at CTIA. Bill showed me a rather clever way to promote a mobile site called Visual Bookmarks.  They are tiny (about 4KB for the Java version) Java, Symbian, Windows Mobile or BlackBerry applications that do nothing but launch your site in the phone browser. So what good is a Visual Bookmark?  What it gives you is another channel  for driving mobile traffic to your site. Visual Bookmarks also have … Continue reading