I’ve discovered something very useful which I think will help mobile social tagging to really take off – Opera Mini Bookmarklets.
I’m addicted to bookmarklets, which I use all the time in my web browser. If you haven’t tried them yet, give bookmarklets a whirl. They give you browser toolbar buttons that do all sorts of neat things with the web page you are currently viewing. Like searching Technorati, Bloglines or Google Blogsearch for blog items that refer to the current page. Or counting the number of characters in highlighted text on the page or viewing the page’s headers. There’s one particular bookmarklet that I use constantly. It adds the current page to my del.icio.us links. I store everything in del.icio.us. It’s a huge convenience to be able to add to and access my bookmarks from any machine.
I’ve wanted to use bookmarklets in my mobile browser and it turns out that I can with Opera Mini! Bookmarklets require JavaScript which most mobile browsers don’t support. But Opera Mini supports a subset of JavaScript sufficient to run many bookmarklets including the Post to Del.icio.us one that I use all the time. Actually I want to start using Mobitopia (review) for my mobile bookmarks but I haven’t been able to find a bookmarklet that works reliably on that site.
There’s no browser toolbar in Opera Mini so you store bookmarklets on the regular bookmarks page. With the Advanced MIDP2 version of Opera Mini you can assign a bookmark to a hot-key so that keying *, 1 adds the current page to del.icio.us, for example.
I think that all versions of Opera Mini support bookmarkets, I used them successfully in 3.1 (both low memory and high memory versions) and 4.0. The tricky part is getting bookmarklets into Opera Mini. There’s no drag and drop or any way to save a link as a bookmark. You need to add bookmarklets manually to the bookmarks page. That’s easy if your phone supports copy and paste. Just copy the bookmark’s code into an email and send it to your carrier’s email to SMS gateway. Bluetooth is another possibility if your phone has the ability to copy and paste from a text file sent by bluetooth. Unfortunately, most phones don’t do copy and paste. I tried and failed to come up with some JavaScript to put in a mobile web page that when clicked would magically add the bookmarklet to Opera Mini like you can in web browsers. You really don’t want to key in the bookmarklet URL – a tedious and error prone process. Fortunately, I’ve found a relatively easy way to send bookmarklets to any phone which I’ll explain below:
To add bookmarklets to Opera Mini I’ve set up a web page that has links to itself with the bookmarklet’s JavaScript appended to end of the link url. The JavaScript needs to be separated from the real url by a slash and a question mark to make it a valid web address. When you visit the link with Opera Mini you can bookmark the page and then edit the bookmark to remove the http url, slash and question mark from the beginning leaving just the JavaScript. If that isn’t clear, keep reading and I’ll go over the process in detail below.
First some Gotchas;
- Not all bookmarklets will work, as Mini only supports a subset of JavaScript. Opera has a vague description of Mini’s JavaScript support in this document. In addition to the the features that are listed as unsupported in that document I also discovered that JavaScript’s
isn’t supported so any bookmarklets that require the user to enter something will fail. But a lot of JavaScript will work includingfor loops, if...then...else
and user defined functions. You can save some time by testing your bookmarklets in the Opera Mini Simulator. I’ve tested the bookmarklets on o.Yeswap.com and they will work. - All phones have a limit on how many characters you can enter or edit in a text box. This can vary greatly. My Motorola i855 can only handle 200 characters but the Nokia 3650 can accept 5000. Some of the more interesting bookmarklets are well over 200 characters which may limit which ones you can use.
- In Opera Mini, bookmarklets execute on the server not the browser. This means that any references to the current page will be to the last page loaded from the server. When you hit the Back button the previous page is loaded from the local browser cache but the Opera server still thinks you are on the last page you loaded so bookmarklets will execute as if you were still on the previous page. The workaround is, after hitting Back, refresh the page with #,0 before using any bookmarklet on that page.
Quick Start – Adding Bookmarklets to Opera Mini
I’ve put a few tested bookmarklets on o.Yeswap.com to get you started. To add a bookmark:
- Visit o.Yeswap.com in Opera Mini and click on any of the links.
- When the page reloads, press # then 7 (or Menu|Tools|Add Bookmark) to
bookmark the page.
- On the Opera Mini Add Bookmark page (image) change the bookmark’s title to something meaningful.
- Now edit the Address field and delete everything before the javascript: part (i.e. delete http://o.Yeswap.com/? from the beginning of the address).
- Hit OK, check the Display on Home Page: check box and then press Save
Using Bookmarklets in Opera Mini
So now that you have a bookmarklet or two in Opera Mini how do you use them? It’s really very simple.
- When you are on a page that you want to add to del.icio.us for example, press the # key followed by the 2 key which will bring up the bookmarks page.
- Then select your Post to Del.icio.us bookmarklet and press OK. You will be taken to the Delicious Add page with the Title and Description fields already filled in (you might be prompted to log in to del.icio.us first). Enter a tag or two and press Save.
How to add your own bookmarklets
So how to add your own bookmarklets to Opera Mini if you don’t have a web page? It’s pretty easy to do using del.icio.us Here’s the process step by step.
- You need to create a link somewhere on the web that you can access from your phone. Del.icio.us is ideal for this because it’s free, available and easy to use – but you can create the link anywhere, your blog, MySpace, Yahoo Bookmarks etc. These instructions assume you are using del.icio.us.
- Create a del.icio.us account if you don’t already have one.
- Log into del.icio.us and click Post on the top menu. In the URL input field, type the url of a valid website, Ideally a short simple one that loads quickly on a phone and which has doesn’t already have a question mark character in it’s url. You can use http://o.Yeswap.com if you want. Enter the url followed by a slash and a question mark and then paste the bookmarklet code (which will always start with javascript:) after the question mark. Here’s an example. (The JavaScript has been truncated to fit this page.)
- Press Save, then fill in the Description and optionally the Tags field. I recommend using the tag minibookmarklet to make these tags easy to find and share.
- Next using Opera Mini, go to del.icio.us, log in, click My Tags and then scroll down to and select the bookmark link you just entered. o.yeswap.com or whatever page’s url you used should load. Do not click on any of the links as that will navigate off the page which has your bookmarklet’s JavaScript embedded in it’s url.
- Bookmark the page in Opera Mini and edit the bookmarklet as described above.
If you find or write any bookmarklets that are useful and work in Opera Mini, drop me a comment and I’ll add them to o.yeswap.com.
Dennis could you please add Lucians’s change background color script to o.yeswap.com. It do work although some editing is needed (there are some spaces on wrong places). And some folks may need it good to have a possibility to change the background and font colors to make some pages easier to read.
can u send me the link to my phone.. here my number [Removed]
No, it’s unnecessary as the download is on the web for free. BTW, posting your mobile number on the web is unwise. It can open you up to all sorts of premium SMS and call-back schemes.
how to download the operamini v4.2 to my N70 phone.. anyone who help me on this..
Go to http://mini.opera.com with the N70 browser. Click “Other download options” then click “Opera Mini 4.2”
Please add the rest of the bookmarklets to o.yeswap.com, the updated site contains less bookmarklets. I need the ‘ view plain text as links’ bookmarklet please. Thank you:)
Thanks for the heads up, there was an old version of the bookmarklets page showing, I’ve restored it to the current version.
However I had to remove the “Copy as Text” bookmarklets as they no longer work because the service that they used as been shut down. See: http://wapreview.com?p=6539 for more information.
javascript:var n=document.firstChild;while(n && n.nodeType!=Node.ELEMENT_NODE) n=n.nextSibling;document.write(” + n.outerHTML.replace(/&/g, ‘&’).replace(/</g, '<‘).replace(/>/g, ‘>’)); for page source. More simple is ‘server:source’ of course :-D
I found you via google search ;-) was wondering if you could try and get the diigo bookmarklet to work with opera mini? – I’m very ignorant with mobiles at the moment, so I don’t know if telling you that I have the Nokia N 95 (just plain vanilla – NO 8Gb) make a difference or not. Hope you can help, as I miss not being able to bookmark on diigo when I’m on the road.
You are doing a fab job helping out soooo many people. Take care ;-)
Here is one I just found. let me know how it works for you?
Thanks for submitting the Instapaper and Read It Later bookmarklets. Unfortunately, both services hardcode a unique identifier into the bookmark that ties it to a specific account, your account in this case.
If I try to use these bookmarklets I receive a error message saying that I’m using a bookmarklet for a different account than the one I’m logged into.
If you want to use these bookmarklets in Opera Mini you could add them to the Opera Mini bookmark folder in Opera 10 on your PC and they would synchronize to your Opera Mini.
Another useful one: Instapaper
First of all, thanks for your nifty page!
Could you possibly add the following bookmarklets, related to “Read It Later”?
– Read It Later: javascript:(function(){ISRIL_H=’99ed’;ISRIL_SCRIPT=document.createElement(‘SCRIPT’);ISRIL_SCRIPT.type=’text/javascript’;ISRIL_SCRIPT.src=’http://readitlaterlist.com/b/r.js’;document.getElementsByTagName(‘head’)[0].appendChild(ISRIL_SCRIPT)})();
– Mark as Read: javascript:try%20{window.open(‘https://readitlaterlist.com/bl?r=1&u=’+encodeURIComponent(document.location.href)+’&h=99ed’,’ril’,’toolbar=0,resizable=0,status=1,width=225,height=140′);}catch(e)%20{%20}void(0);
– Reading list: javascript:try%20{window.open(‘http://readitlaterlist.com/unread?bl=1′,’rillist’,’scrollbars=1,toolbar=0,status=1,width=380,height=400′);}catch(e)%20{%20}void(0);
Thanks Joel :) That works also for even more pdf conversion services like pdf to html at pdfdownload.org
Thanks for this post! I had no idea bookmarklets work in Opera mini, even though I have used it daily for several years.
I can now finally view pdf files in my mobile phone. I used a bookmarklet from http://noscope.com/journal/2009/10/view-pdfs-with-google-docs-viewer-bookmarklet. This script converts all pdf links on a page to be opened with Google Docs Viewer, but since the layout doesn’t work on a small screen I changed it to use http://view.samurajdata.se/ instead. The pdf:s are converted to images which means that all formatting are intact. Here’s the script:
Feel free to add it to your list!
I solved the problem http://serola.info/2008/06/27/more-bookmarklets-for-opera-mini/
@ Dennis – Could you please consider to add this ‘Links as URLs’ bookmarklet to your o.yeswap.com collection. Possible instruction:
Bookmarklet to change all links on page into URLs. On Opera Mini 5 dispalyed URLs of PDF files can be then easily copied for online PDF conversion tools.
Folks, any idea how to convert “full urls as link text: Changes the text of links to match their absolute urls” at http://operawiki.info/BookMarklets#links
What I try to accomplish is Opera Mini bookmarklet that change all links on page into URLs. It would be nice on new Opera Mini 5 if user could just select the url on page and copy it. This is because url addresses of certain documents (like pdf) can’t be copied without using very clumsy way with “show page source” bookmarklet.
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Bold Uppercase – This is the above bookmarklet modified that all the text from a page to appear bold and in UPPERCASE for even better readability. Code:
javascript:(function(){var x=document.styleSheets [document.styleSheets.length-1];x.insertRule(‘* { text-transform: uppercase;font-weight: Bold; !important;}’,x.cssRules.length);}) ()
Dual View – When clicked, a pop-up box asks for the fist URL witch will be the left panel and the URL are currently on, will be entered by default, however this can be changed. Once you click ok, it will ask for the right panel URL. It works even in mobile view. Code:
Split Vertically – Use this bookmarklet to load the current page into two vertically split frames.Code:
Hello again. I have found a bookmarklet that will help you to read coloured pages. With one click, you can make black text and white background page, to read easier.
Black Text & White Background – javascript: (function(){ var newSS, styles=’* { background: white ! important; color: black !important } :link, :link * { color: # 0000EE !important } :visited, :visited * { color: # 551 A8B !important }’; if(document.createStyleSheet) { document.createSt yleSheet(“javascript:'”+ styles+”‘ “); } else { new SS=document.createEl ement(‘link’); newSS.rel=’stylesheet’; newSS.href=’data:text/ css,’+escape(styles); document.getElementsByTagName (“head”)[0].appendChild(newSS); } } )();
If you are like me, and you like to read white text on a black background, this is the above bookmarklet, modified to do just that.
White Text & Black Background -javascript: (function(){ var newSS, styles=’* { background: black ! important; color: white !important } :link, :link * { color: # 0000EE !important } :visited, :visited * { color: # 551 A8B !important }’; if(document.createStyleShee t) { document.createStyleSheet(“javascript:'”+ styles+”‘ “); } else { new SS=document.createEl ement(‘link’); newSS.rel=’stylesheet’; newSS.href=’data:text/ css,’+escape(styles); d ocument.getElementsB yTagName (“head”)[0].appendChild(newSS); } } )();
I like to read ebooks on my phone using Opera Mini. My favorite site is wattpad.com, where i can find a large collection of good books. But after a wile, my eyes get tired because of the font size and the bright white background.
So i’ve discovered and modified, a bookmarklet that will make all the characters from a page to be bold. It doesn’t work on all web sites, but on the vast majority, it will get the job done.
Bold Text – javascript:(function(){var x=document.styleSheets [document.styleSheets.length- 1];x.insertRule(‘* { font-weight: Bold !important; }’,x.cssRules.length);}) ()
I have found three bookmarklets
KeepHD – KeepHD is a tool that lets you download HD videos off Youtube!
You can download HD copies of your movies, and also download the mobile 3GP version for your mobile devices plus the standard MP4 and FLV format. Add the bookmarklet to your bookmarks, and go to YouTube, choose a video to watch, and click the on the bookmarklet. KeepHD will automatically grab each version of the video you want to download.Choose the prefered video format and save it to your device.This is the script:
Send it – Dropvine makes it easy to send links to one or more friends in just a few seconds. First you need to register by going to http://www.dropvine.com/ and to provide them the email addresses of your friend(s). After that just add the bookmarklet to your bookmarks and use it to quickly forward a link to your friends or even to yourself.
Here how it works. Say you’re on Youtube and you’re watching a funny video that you want to show to your friends. You click the Dropvine “Send it” bookmarklet and you’re taken to the New Link page with the URL already filled in on the form. All you have to do is click witch friends you want to send it to, and optionally add a short message. You click send and the link arrives in their Dropvine inbox, and they are sent an email notification.
javascript:-1,location.href=’http://www.dropvine.com/new.php?url=’ encodeURIComponent(location.href)
Twitthat! – To make it easier to share articles and cool finds on Twitter, use the ‘Twitthat’ bookmarklet. To share an article, click the bookmarklet and a new window opens. First time you need to login in to your Twitter account and then you can modify the tweet. Click the ‘Twit!’ button and its done.
javascript:-1,location.href=’http://twitthat.com/go?url=’ encodeURIComponent(location.href) ‘&title=’ ((document.title)?encodeURIComponent(document.title.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g,”)):”)
This is the correct javascript code of the Super Screenshot bookmarklet
Sorry about the wrong code in the previos post.
When you need to get a screenshot of a web page, this bookmarklet helps alot.
Almost instantly, presents you the full page screenshot and also you can set the size and format form the page displayed. This bookmarklet uses a service provided by http://www.superscreenshot.com/ site.
However the bookmarklet has some limitations.
The screenshot bookmarklet doesn’t follow redirects.
If the URL is behind a login screen or is the result of your curent session or other cookies (like a shopping cart), the page will be shown without this context like the first time you visited the URL.
If the web page contains a lot of images or advertisements, it can take several seconds to load the page. In Opera Mini you need to refresh the page to see the screenshot.
Super Screenshot renders pages with the Safari browser engine so captured pages looks like in the Safari browser.
Here is the JavaScript code
javascript:-1,-1,void(location=’http://www.superscreenshot.com/getscreen.php?url=’ escape(location))
Here is two useful bookmarklets
Calculator – A simple JavaScript calculator bookmarklet that you can use right from your browser (Don’t put a = at the end; this will confuse it)
javascript:-1,-1,eval(‘function calc(){_o=prompt(_t,_z);if(_o!=\’\’&&_o!=null&&_o.toUpperCase()==_o.toLowerCase())_z=eval(_o);}’);_t=’JAVASCRIPTER.NET Calculator – Input the expression to be calculated:’;_z=”;calc();while(_o!=”&&_o!=null&&_o.toUpperCase()==_o.toLowerCase())calc()
Convert It! – A bookmarklet from zamzar.com that let you convert and save videos from You Tube, Google Video, Metacafe, Dailymotion… (Visit http:
//www.zamzar.com/url/overview.php to see a full list of supported video sites)
Here how it works
1 Add this bookmarklet to Opera Mini bookmarks.
2 Now go to any You Tube or Google Video, here’s one to save time: http://youtube.com/?v=MtbQ4J3RfQ8
3 Now click the Convert It! bookmarklet from your bookmarks.
4 You will be taken to a page and the first box is already filled in with the video url so go to the second box and select a file type that you want your video to be converted.
5 In the next box enter your email address as they will send you the file when it is finished converting.
6 Click Convert.
7 You will be prompted to confirm your email address. Press OK.
8 Wait.
9 Check your inbox and there it is.
javascript:-1,-1,209,void(function(){try{window.alert;return false;;}catch(e){}}());(function(){var scriptElem = document.createElement(‘SCRIPT’);scriptElem.setAttribute(‘language’, ‘JavaScript’);scriptElem.setAttribute(‘src’, ‘http://www.zamzar.com/tools/bookmarklets/converter.js’);document.body.appendChild(scriptElem);})()
I have found a couple of useful bookmarklets that work in Opera Mini.
Stumble It! – Stumble a web page that you liked.
javascript:-1,-1,document.location.href=’http://www.stumbleupon.com/submit?url=’ document.URL ‘&title=’ document.title.replace(/ /g,’ ‘);
Google Bookmark – Bookmark a page using Google own Google Bookmarks service
javascript:-1,-1,(function(){var a=window,b=document,c=encodeURIComponent,d=a.open(“http://www.google.com/bookmarks/mark?op=edit&output=popup&bkmk=” c(b.location) “&title=” c(b.title),”bkmk_popup”,”left=” ((a.screenX||a.screenLeft) 10) “,top=” ((a.screenY||a.screenTop) 10) “,height=420px,width=550px,resizable=1,alwaysRaised=1”);a.setTimeout(function(){d.focus()},300)})();
Linkify – Make all plain text URL’s on a web page into clickable hyperlinks.
Post to vi.sualize.us – Post your favorite pictures to the photo-sharing website vi.sualize.us.
javascript:-1,(function(){function l(u,i){var d=document;if(!d.getElementById(i)){var s=d.createElement(‘script’);s.src=u;s.id=i;d.body.appendChild(s);}}l(‘http://vi.sualize.us/js/visualizeus.js’,’visualizeus’)})();
This bookmarklet does not work in mobile view.
If you think that are useful please add this bookmarklets to o.yeswap.com.
It happened to run across a page
that promised to be
the toolbarless
need to give a thumbs
up to something and
Its design for Firefox but works well in Opera Mini too.
Here is the bookmarklet
javascript:-1,-1,document.location.href=’http://www.stumbleupon.com/submit?url=’ document.URL ‘&title=’ document.title.replace(/ /g,’ ‘);
Sir, you are a genius! Thanks for the Yahoo! Bookmarks bookmarklet :-D
I’ve added a Yahoo! Bookmarks bookmarklet to o.yeswap.com
I’d like a linkify bookmarklet for Opera Mini too. I tried to make one and failed. None of the existing linikfy bookmarklets for IE or Firefox seem to work in Windows Opera 9.63 on the desktop let alone in Mini.
The code you sent me seems to be a plugin for the Maxthon browser. I have no idea of how to turn it into an Opera Mini bookmarklet. It’s much too large in any case, Mini bookmarklets are limited to 400 bytes.
If you can find a linkify bookmarklet that is short (under 380 bytes) and works in Opera 9.63, it will probably work in Opera Mini too using the technique described in this post. Good luck finding one though, I couldn’t.
Could you make “linkify” for opera mini?
“linkify” source is this :
// e-mail and frame-support and counter by mdlist
function no_error() {
return true;
o = 0;
A.href=”http://” + M.data;
A.href=”mailto:” + M.data;
else if(n.tagName!=”STYLE”&&n.tagName!=”SCRIPT”&&n.tagName!=”A”)
function getA(){
top.status=o+” links linkified”;
return A;
Can you make the Yahoo Bookmarks bookmarklet to work in Opera Mini?
This is really helpful, thank you
Just a note, bookmarklets work in the Palm OS browser Blazer as well!
Thanks for the useful bookmarklets… fyo they also work on the Palm Treo (Blazer). I have a suugestion for an addition to your list: YubNub.org is a search engine/web command line with user-definable commands. A mobile bookmarklet to invoke YubNub commands with arguments would be extremely useful.
Thanks for the Google Cache bookmarklet. WordPress has broken the link but I’ve added it to the Opera Mini Bookmarklets page at http://o.yeswap.com
Oh i forgot to add the link,
I know it cant be added directly to OM due to the text size limit, but i am looking for a workaround.
This google cache bookmarlet will let you get the cached page of the current webpage. Would be of great help when you cant see the webpage due to server timeouts or other site issues. Works fime on OM.
If you substitute your Del.icio.us login id for the “post” in http://del.icio.us/post?… then you can define tag values that are passed to the Delicious Bookmark page. So instead of the above, use this:
javascript:location.href=’http://del.icio.us/{your del.icio.us login name here}?tags=OM4&v=4&url=’+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+’&title=’+encodeURIComponent(document.title)
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I added +’&tags=operamini’ into del.icio.us quick bookmarklet. That way I can bundle all bookmarks saved from Opera Mini. For some reason I keep getting blank page after using that del.icio.us quick bookmarklet, but it was doing so even before I edit that.
Thanks for letting me know about the bad links. It should be fixed now. I really appreciate hearing about stuff like that, I want everything on this site to work!
Links on this article at wp-mobile.php does not work any more. For example link to o.Yeswap.com is not linked to corresponding URL.
Sir, you are a genius. I cannot thank you enough.
Jorge, I finally got around to adding the :bMarks bookmarklet to http://o.yeswap.com. Sorry it took so long. :bMarks is very nice, I’m working on a post covering it for the blog.
BTW; the bookmarklet on the :bMarks site is too long to work in Opera Mini on some phones, like my Motorola i855. The JVM on that phone doesn’t support a textfield holding more than 252 characters. So I created a shorter version of the bookmarklet that doesn’t pass the description field. Both the original and the short one are on o.yeswap.com now.
Works perfectly! I adapted the bookmarklet to automatically add the current url, title, and meta description into my ‘add bookmark’ form at bmarks.mobi (bookmarklet location: http://www.bmarks.mobi/b.php). Please add my bookmarklet to o.yeswap.com if you get a chance. I added a link to this post at the bottom of b.php, thanks for the help!
I use and recommend Bloglines Mobile to read feeds in Opera Mini because that way my subscriptions and read items are in sync across all my phones and PC’s.
But to answer your question, you can save feeds to Del.icio.us with the bookmarklet. But there is an extra step because Opera Mini adds an extra “http://view:0//” to the front of the feed url.
1) While viewing a feed’s index in Opera Mini, use the Save to Del.icio.us bookmarklet as you normally do.
2) When the Del.icio.us page loads, edit the url, delete the “http://view:0//” at the beginning:
i.e; Change:
Then save in Del.icio.us
Thanks. I use opera mini and it has problems dealing wth bookmarks and feeds. Can i do someth to manage my feeds in a similar way?
They appear to work in IE Mobile, but it doesn’t look like they work on the new Opera Mobile 8.65 beta.
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Very valuable info. Thanks 4 sharing. Have you tried this on IE Mobile or Opera Mobile?
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