GameJump – Free Mobile Games

  GameJump Image

Update: After a six year run, Gamejump has shut down. Mobile games and apps that were distributed with Gamejump’s ad-supported wrapper no longer work, failing with the message “Connection Failure. Unable to connect. Please check to make sure your phone has service“.

Gamejump’s parent company Greystripe, posted the following  message  on their Facebook Page:

“Greystripe has discontinued all support for the Java AdWrap for Publishers and Catalog programs as of June 20, 2011. This only affects the Java AdWrap programs; we are discontinuing the AdWrap platform in order to focus all our resources on our iOS, Android, and mobile web platforms. Should you have any questions, please email us at”

My original 2006 post covering GameJump is below.

GameJump is a mobile ( and web ( site offering free downloadable ad-supported Java games. The site and service seems to be a raging success with 1.4 million downloads in it’s first four months of operation. There are currently over 350 games available on GameJump. This success has not gone unnoticed with Greystripe, the company behind GameJump, winning Best in Show Overall at the Under the Radar Mobility Conference. In a comment to this MobileCrunch post, Andy Choi, Greystripe CTO, claims impressive 5-15% click through rates. Greystripe has also released some metrics where they report that the service is most popular in the US, UK, India, South Africa and Indonesia. It’s pretty amazing that they can get that many off-portal downloads, particularly from US users who are notoriously reluctant leave the carrier deck. Also telling is the carrier breakdown. The largest US carrier, Cingular with a 39% share barely beating much smaller T-Mobile’s 30%. Could that be because T-Mobile charges $6/month for unlimited data compared with Cingular’s $20. Cheap unlimited data really does drive mobile data adoption.
I gave the service a try and liked what I saw. First I downloaded a couple of games to my old Nokia 3650 from GameJump’s mobile site. There is no registration required. You don’t have to give GameJump any personal information, especially not your phone number so there are no worries about Text SPAM or premium SMS scams. The whole process was very easy and smooth. GameJump correctly identified my phone but also allowed me to override that selection and pick a different device from a list. Both downloaded games looked and worked well with attractive full screen graphics and good game play. When I launched the games there was a message to the effect that the game would occasionally use the phone’s data connection to download new ads and I had to agree to allow this before I could start playing. I have an unlimited data plan so I was fine with this but I do appreciate the disclosure.

Next I downloaded a game from GameJump’s Web Portal for side loading onto my Boost Mobile Motorola i855. I was pleased to see that GameJump lists games for all the Java capable iDEN phones all the way back to the i85. Unlike some sites, GameJump has both the .jar and the .jar files available for download, both of which are required by iDEN handsets. The game I downloaded for the i855 installed with no issues and again looked and played well. As with the mobile site, no registration is required to download games. If you do register, all that’s required is an e-mail address. Registration lets you review games and participate in GameJump’s contests where you can win free phones.

You have probably never heard of most of the games on GameJump but the ones I downloaded were of commercial quality – much better than what you typically find on freeware game sites like and GameJump has games in many genres like sports, action, adventure, casino, puzzle and retro. I’m not much of a gamer but I do like puzzle games and downloaded three, a well done version of the classic Same Game, BubbleTrouble which combines elements of Bejeweled and Same Game and Magic Crystals – a Tetris variant with particularly nice graphics. All three were easy to play, fun “casual” games with no run learning curve – ideal for killing a few minutes while waiting for a bus, ATM, meeting to begin, etc. .

About those ads, I was pleasantly surprised that the ads were not intrusive. GameJump says that they only display ads when you start or quit a game so as not to disrupt the playing experience. In over an hour of playing the three games I downloaded I only saw one ad. When I quit Same Game an ad appeared offering a $5.00 off coupon for an oil change if I entered an email address. The option to decline was a little hard to find (in a menu linked to the left soft key) but it was there and choosing it ended the game with no nagging. Overall, I was quite pleased with the GameJump experience. I think these guys will do well.

More on GameJump from:

For more free mobile game and app download sites like GameJump please visit the WapReview Directory’s Mobile Downloads Page.

GameJump: xhtmp-mp
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111 thoughts on “GameJump – Free Mobile Games

  1. ~Andele~ Gamejump is still free. I suspect that you signed up for a subscription on some other site with a similar name. Try responding to one of the download messages with a preply containg just the word STOP. If that doesn’t work you will need to contact your opperator or whatever agency regulates mobile service in your country (FCC in the US or OFCOM in the UK).

  2. Hey there….I desperately need Help ASAP…I tried to download a game on gamejump supposed to be free but now its a supscription service and the subtract bout R10 each time and this sometimes happen twice a day…How can i stop this…because I cant download anything that they are sending me???

  3. Hi can any1 help me get free games 4 my sony ericsson w980,my email is [email removed]

  4. Hey I am looking for a website that I can get games for a morsion v1000 help me

  5. i want top down load to my phone and i can’t do that, pls help me out

  6. Pls hlp me
    i have lg kp220 & whenever i try to dwnload full song or video,it says “error in connection”

  7. Hello. I have motorola c261 from tracfone, and I am trying to download a scheduler in java format on my pc (since the phone doesn’t have one) and send it to my phone as an attachmment through email. But when I try that, I get a messaged that the application was deleted becuase it was unsupported. What should I do?

  8. tried 2 download the bubble and samegame2 succeed in download but dont play on my phone,my phone is sony erricssonP910

  9. hi guys i enquired 4 som game lof stuffs in my 4one but i only got 2 which is prince of percia and of road dirt motorcross which i have finished all the version there so ineed to be rewarded 4 doing so by getting me more games to my sony ericsson k700i mobile 40ne incase you need my 4one no it is 08060699424 and you guys should try 2 reduce the price 4 down loading games from

  10. i v e problem opening google ebsite on my samsung E250 phone,pls if you have any code to use pls contact me. tanks

  11. can somebody send me the list of free mobile phone games.
    wap games

  12. just find it in
    then type free games for (your cellphone model) download (.jar)
    thats all i know….
    I’ll find more about downloading then I will tell u
    ^_^,. Oh and enjoy your summer!!!

  13. pls am having problems on trying to download game on my sagem my w-8, pls send me what to do or what to knowabout processing it

  14. i love what i have so far seen on the site. But i would like to be sent websites that offer free nokia n70 games free of charge.


  15. Visit my site for free mobile games. I tested them on N70 but they should work for most Symbian 2nd edition phones. Just go to If you want some realy cool games you have to join. Don’t worry that’s free to. And you will get updates and more cool games when I get them. So join and download my 6 pack special.

  16. I need major help.Please someone tell me where i can get free ringtone convertor software for my nokia 6030,i want it 2 support,wav,amr or mp3.Please help.Send me an email

  17. muddassir,

    I don’t have that phone and I know nothing about your operator so anything say is a bit of a guess.

    You should be downloading a .jad file not a .jar. Use your phone’s built in browser, not Opera Mini or a PC. The phone will read the .jad, which tells it where to find the .jar. Motorola’s can’t download .jars directly.

    Some other things you can try:

    1) Turn off the phone, and remove the battery for a minute or so, put the battery back in , start the phone and retry the download.

    2) If you have or can borrow another phone try putting your sim in it. If downloads don’t work on the other phone it’s definitely your operator blocking download.

    3) If you have tried a couple .jads from a couple different sites and it still doesn’t work you NEED to call your operator, either they are blocking something or your phone is broken.

    4) A local mobile phone shop might be able to help you too.


  18. please tell me step by step how to solve the problem.. operator is not blocking any portal

  19. muddassir,

    Error 406 means “Not acceptable”, your phone doesn’t recognize the type of content being downloaded as something it knows how to handle. I just tried that downloading that game and it worked. It’s a Java .jad file and is being sent with the correct MIME type so your phone should be ablle to accept it.

    Can you download any other games and applications from or other off-portal sites. If you can, it might be a temporary error – try again later. If you can’t download other games your operator is probably blocking off-portal Java downloads – you can complain to them.

    Good luck,


  20. i download game from but i recieve error 406 every time my cell is motorola c261, dennis help me please

  21. i need free password for . so that i can download free games for my motoroker e6 mobile. plz help me?????

    some body help me to suggest free pay site for downloading motorola roker e6 games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. I will like to download games, sms, music and videos to my phone. I own a Sony Ericsson P910i phone. Please help download them to my phone.

  23. can you please help me to find a mobile wapsite which is free to download games for nokia 3100…….. thnx

  24. Hi every1. about comment 54(deolu): I have a my 700X And the app’s on my phone usually have 2 files each. A .JAD or .jar file which is main part and a .dcf file which is always less than 1KB. but this is always the dcf file which determines the installation folder and the other one is saved where the first one has been copied. you should try to get both files if one does not function. I Hope u can proceed seccussfully.

  25. Hi! I am using a motorola slvr L9. Pls how can I download free games? Kindly send me details in full. Thanks!

  26. Hai guys. Cld u tel me sme sites 4 nokia 6233. Java s40 v3. 320*240 pixels.. 4m were i cld dwnload games

  27. I just bought a sagem my w8.when i send jar files to it via bluetooth it just takes up space i don’t see any apps whether installed or not.what do u think i should do?

  28. I have a moto razr and i am looking 4 a place 2 download full song mp3s 2 play on the mp3 player. So far i am only able 2 find ringtones, not full songs. Please help if u know a site 2 download full songs 2 my phone. Also, is there a way 2 hook my phone up 2 my pc 2 transfer mp3s i have already purchased?

  29. Reagan,

    I’m not sure what you mean. .jad IS Java. It’s stands for Java Application Descriptor.


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